Getting a Fair Deal When Buying a Car with Bad Credit Just Got EasierWith the relaunch of, those with low credit scores now have access to unique tips and information about buying a car with bad credit not typically seen online. Car buying tips, trade-in tips and more are featured on site.
Jason Lanier, veteran of the used car business with over 700 published articles on the topic of buying a car to his credit remarked, "The new design looks great and you don't find this information everywhere.... We want people to have the information they need to make a wise, educated decision in the real world. Patience is key to getting a good deal on a car, especially when you are buying a car with bad credit ... knowing where to apply when you have bad credit is a big key to your success with that. If we can help people understand how to avoid predatory lending, we've done our job. We think the new design will help users to find the information they need quickly." A new bad credit car buying tips area breaks down the negotiating process in easy to understand terms. This new section features unique tips for negotiating that aren't seen on other websites that aim to give car shoppers confidence to know how to justify their offer to the dealer. Negotiating interest rates is something that is unheard of and this along with negotiating trade-in value with confidence are explored in detail. A used car trade-in tips section recently added, explores aspects of trading in a vehicle that are truly unique. Topics added include; how dealers value used car trade-ins, tips for preparing your vehicle to be inspected and appraised by a dealer, and resources to estimate a vehicles value. With negative equity being a concern for many people trading with past credit problems, this new section is especially helpful when there the maximum amount for a trade is needed to make a new purchase work in favor of the buyer. A new area focusing on credit rebuilding tips helps with eliminating the hype surrounding credit repair has also been added, along with an auto loan glossary of terms is also a very helpful resource for understanding industry lingo, the fine print on finance contracts and bills of sale. "Knowledge is power." remarked Jason Lanier. That seems to certainly be the perspective in the creation of With the recent content and design revision, learning how to buy a car with bad credit just got much easier. Photo: End
Page Updated Last on: Aug 16, 2012