Verax launches PEP-Select, a recruitment selection online tool that indentifies rogue candiates

PEP-Select comes with an integrated "De-railer" and is ideal for talent spotting, maximising ROI in candidates - and identifying rogue candidates, who, if employed, could de-rail an organisation through their attitude and behaviour
By: Western Associsates PR
Sept. 10, 2012 - PRLog -- Hartley Wintney,  UK. Verax International has launched PEP-Select, a new-generation, online tool with an integrated De-railer Index. PEP-Select minimises the risk of recruiting the wrong candidate while helping to recruit those who will add value to the employer organisation.

Based on extensive research - and experience of developing organisational, team and personal effectiveness diagnostics - PEP-Select looks for adaptability in a candidate and shows how effective that candidate is likely to be. The De-railer Index identifies rogue candidates, including senior executives and other managers whose actions
or behaviour could blow a business off course.

"Adaptability in a candidate is key," says Verax chairman Keith Bedingham. "It correlates highly with on-job effectiveness, irrespective of role, and can be used across roles to help identify new rising stars in any part of an organisation. It is a good predictor of senior management potential.

"Individually or together, characteristics associated with adaptability and effectiveness drive ROI and add value. The more a candidate has of them, the better will be the value added to the business," he says.

More about the PEP-Select De-railer Index

The De-railer Index minimises the risk of recruiting the wrong candidate, by identifying specific issues that could inhibit the candidate's effectiveness in the client organisation.

"A 'de-railer' characteristic in a candidate can have three times more negative impact than a productive characteristic," Bedingham adds. "By identifying potential problems at the recruitment stage, the index can save later costs associated with disruption and loss of contribution to productivity - or worse."

The De-railer Index's report displays a candidate's specific de-railers from among a range of counterproductive attitudes and behaviour and displays the results in an easily understood colour coded format.

More about PEP-Select

PEP Select is a cloud application, meaning that users do not install it on their computers. Its cost per candidate is £45.00 + VAT, with discounts applying at quantities above 50 candidates.

PEP-Select profiles the precise behaviour, motivations and attitudes required for the results that a business needs today, while being flexible to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Current methods have produced the following results:

Research shows that 40% of new hires leave in the first year [an average performer breaks-even only after more than two years in the job]; 43% of line managers are seen as ineffective; 80% of employees do not contribute to their organisation as needed [50% of staff could contribute twice their current value.]

PEP-Select ensures the recruiter recruits the following: those most likely to deliver the results the organisation needs; the most productive people; good team members and network builders; those who cope best with change and different circumstances; resourceful and persistent individuals; those who fit well now and as the organisation
changes; those with the capacity to grow [both professionally and personally, in both breadth and depth]; authentic people who genuinely want to be effective and successful employees.

A pre-launch field trial of PEP-Select led one user - a manager at an NHS Trust - to comment, "The PEP-Select results were scarily accurate. We are delighted with the candidates we selected using PEP-Select. They are already contributing at a very high level."

More at

Source:Western Associsates PR
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Tags:Recruitment & Selection, Verax, PEP-Select, Online, Keith Bedingham
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