OCCUPYology Board Game Aims to Change the World 1 Space at a TimeOCCUPYology, the board game, is being released to coincide with the 1 year anniversary of the Occupy movement. It is an educational, non-partisan political game. 99% of the population can own a copy for $1 above cost.
By: NewBluePlanet The 4 player game is a class warfare simulation on the streets of Washington DC, Wall Street and Main St USA. The objective is for the 3 player majority to work together to change the rules of the game so that everyone wins, while the player representing the wealthiest 1% works against them -- moving the Fat Cat, Politician, and Police pawns to extend corporate rule. The game designer is a former college instructor who points out that, "A board game can be a unique teaching tool. Unlike books and videos, it is a live, face to face, dynamically interactive experience. In the time it might take to watch a movie, you can play out your aspirations for ethical business building, protesting injustice, running for office, and putting all 4 branches of government to work for the American people. For activists, it's a training exercise disguised as a fun activity they can use to inform and inspire friends and family who are not politically active." The idea for this entertaining path to political awareness began in 2011 when it became evident that the general public was widely uninformed or misinformed about the issues driving the Occupy movement. Over 2,000 hours of design and development was invested into making the game simple enough to be fun, but still challenging and inclusive of all the key business, government, and social mechanisms separating the rich and the poor. Refining the game’s solutions, however, is considered an ongoing process dependent on input on the http://OCCUPYology.com discussion forum. Since the game is printed on demand, frequent updates are planned and political groups can have custom editions created to advance their own reform efforts with the help of the games built-in play-it-forward system. The 1st Edition of OCCUPYology is focused on one real-world objective -- Election Reform. It proposes that, “Once 99% of the people have their democracy restored, 100% of the people can effectively decide where to go from there!” Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End