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Follow on Google News | How To Fix A Bad Credit Score : Improve Your Bad Credit FastThroughout America, people are living with the veil of poor credit hanging over them. While there are ways to rectify the situation, most folks don’t know about them. The following info will help you regarding how to fix your bad credit score.
By: The first thing to do is acquire a copy of your credit report, which can be obtained once a year for no cost from any of the Big 3 credit reporting companies; Equifax, TransUnion, or Experian. Go over it very carefully to see if there are any mistakes or unauthorized charges that you wish to dispute. If there are any, put your disagreement in writing, along with proof that the charge isn’t yours, and send it to the credit agency that accepted the charge. With persistence, you can have the negative charge removed from your credit report, making your overall score better. Read more here how to fix bad credit score Knowing how to fix your credit score yourself can save you not only money, but also the hassle of trying to choose a credit counseling company. After you’ve found and disputed false charges on your credit report, get current on past-due but not charged-off accounts. Even if you’re past the typical 180 days before charge-off occurs, contact the creditor to find out how you can get up-to-date so you can avoid it, as having charged-off accounts is one of the worst things to do to your credit score. Of course, paying charged-off accounts is a good idea, also, if you want to fix your poor credit score. The previous information taught you about repairing your bad credit yourself. Now we’ll look at how to fix your credit score for free. After going over your free credit report and disputing the things you feel are incorrect, you might want to contact a credit counseling agency. Most of these companies offer a free consultation during which you can ask questions and get good advice about mending your credit score. Again, contact all of your creditors to work out plans of repayment. These suggestions, when utilized together, can help you fix your credit at no cost to you. Apply online today to rebuild bad credit fast visit More information on this subject is available at, all day, every day. End
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