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Follow on Google News | Great Tips To Help You Repair Your Credit Score Quickly Today!In today's day and age, it is not uncommon to hit "rock bottom" and be in need of credit repair advice. Reaching this point can make you feel like there is no where to turn, and no way to get back on track again. Read on now...
By: James A. Blakestone If you want to repair your credit, do not cancel any of your existing accounts. Even if you close an account, your history with the card will stay in your credit report. This action will also make it appear as though you have a short credit history, which is the exact opposite of what you want. Many people don't realize the damaging information that can be found on a credit report. Many things, such as old or outdated accounts, negative information that has been resolved, and much more, can be removed by writing the credit bureau and asking them to verify the information. If it's no longer valid they must remove it from your report. This can help to raise your credit score significantly. One of the first things you need to do when you start the credit score improvement process is to order your credit report from the three major credit reporting agencies. If there is incorrect information on your reports, it can hurt your credit rating. Once you remove the incorrect information, you may see a jump in your scores. Read and research the Fair Credit Reporting Act in order to learn more about it. The Fair Credit Reporting Act provides you with a full rundown of all your rights when it comes to your credit, and you want to make sure that you understand every bit of it before you decide to go forward any further. Talk with your creditors that are in the collection process to try to work out a deal with them to stop reporting the negative accounts if you can make full payment on your account. You can do this over the phone or through a well written letter but always get the agreement in writing before you agree to anything. If you are having a hard time paying all your credit card bills on time, you may want to look into a credit consolidating company. They can combine all your credit card debts to one bill. This way you will have one payment that you can focus on making and you don't have payments spread out everywhere. When trying to repair your credit, you should avoid using store credit cards. These cards do not improve your credit score, even if you pay them off on time. But you are taking the risk of ruining your credit further, if you cannot afford to pay the bills you accumulate. Besides, most store cards do not offer good interest rates. Pay off your store cards and cancel them. People who are trying to repair their credit by looking for credit restoration services should be wary of credit improvement scams. There are a number of companies who claim to offer free advice from credit experts while they are overcharging you greatly for information you can get freely on your own. Would you like to get debt free today? Visit Debt Consolidation If you own a house or some sort of collateral and can get a loan that is within a normal interest rate you may want to consider a debt consolidation loan. This can reduce your bills into one monthly payment and help you begin lowering your credit card debt and other debts that are bringing down your credit scores. After you have finished making payments with a debt consolidation company, you should follow up with the credit reporting agencies to make sure everything is updated on their end. Make sure your debts have been marked as paid and there aren't any remaining negative marks against your credit. If there are, you should contact the debt consolidation company. Payday Loan Even if your situation is desperate, you should avoid the "Payday Loan" companies. You may get money advanced to you quickly this way, but you will pay dearly for it. Their interest rates are very high, which means you are just increasing, not solving, your current debt problems. To avoid hurting your credit when you can't afford to pay all your bills for the month, prioritize. A single late payment towards a medical bill, a payday loan, or even your electric bill won't hurt your credit in the way that a late credit card payment will. While those late fees may hurt, at least they won't damage your credit score. Payday Loans Stay away from Payday loans. They have the highest interest rate of any loan you can get. In the event that you can't pay on time, you will literally be digging yourself into a hole that you can't get out of, as the penalties and interest rates continually rise. Hitting "rock bottom" does not have to mean the end of your financial future. By using some common sense, and following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can greatly improve your financial forecast. The road might not be a short one, but the end result will most certainly be worth the effort. Bad Credit Debt Consolidation Loans End