11 Tips To Avoid Vacation Rental Complaints & Bad Online Reviews

These vacation rental reviews can wound your business if not handled correctly.
By: Vacation Rental Marketing, Villa Marketers
vacation rental marketing reviews
vacation rental marketing reviews
Oct. 25, 2012 - PRLog -- Vacation Rental Marketing Reviews

The vacation rental industry has changed and everything is much more transparent with the easy accessibility of information online. This information includes the service and quality of your vacation rental properties. Your online vacation rental reviews directly affect the amount of inquires and bookings you receive. If you have great reviews and an amazing presentation you will get more online bookings and inquiries.

Is it possible to avoid bad vacation rental reviews?

What do you do when an issue happens that may have been beyond your control which inconvenienced a traveler on their vacation?

With the majority of vacation rental websites now offering renters the option to post reviews, it’s very likely that a traveler will complain about their issues on a website or in an online review. These vacation rental reviews can wound your business if not handled correctly.

This blog will help vacation rental owners and agents like yourself from being hit with one of those nasty vacation rental reviews. If you’ve already received a negative review for your vacation rental I cover how to defuse vacation rental reviews on any website in my book “Vacation Rental Marketing Secrets No One Will Tell You“. However if you’ve yet to receive a bad review or would like to avoid receiving more bad reviews for your vacation rental property than this short list will help you keep your rental reviews positive.

So how can you avoid a negative review for your vacation rental?

1. Be The Best:
The best way to avoid a negative review is to offer great service and handle your vacation rental business like a true professional. Handle your business with your heart! If you really care about the travelers experience this will show through to them, your customer will take notice and be more patient if something does go wrong. But if you run everything by the seat of your pants and deal with customers in a very unorganized and casual way you’ll open up opportunities from the beginning for customers to complain.

2. Check in: From the moment a renter checks in there are plenty of things that can go wrong with their vacation. I recommend checking in with your renters to see how their vacation is going or see if they checked in OK. If it’s possible pick up the phone and call them, it’s easier, faster and it gives that personal touch which demonstrates to your renters that you care about them. If all is going great you need to do nothing but if there is an issue you need to do something quick to depressurize the feelings that are bubbling.

3. Recognize: The first thing you’ll need to do is be sensitive and LISTEN in order to recognize whenever there is a renter who seems even the least bit unsatisfied. I have found that many times it’s the little things that bother guests. If you can recognize and address the little issue before it comes into a big problem it will be much easier to keep your renters satisfied. It’s important to be in the offensive side rather than the defensive side of a negative review of your vacation rental. Prevention is key to avoiding negative vacation rental reviews. But are you willing to follow through with the necessary customer service steps to keep your record as clean as possible?

4. Make Contact: Once you know there is a problem you can work on solving it. Plenty of  rental customers never complain in a negative online review they just don’t come back to rent your property and you don’t want that do you? In order to resolve the issue.... READ ALL 11 TIPS HERE >>>>http://www.villamarketers.com/community/11-ways-to-avoid-negative-vacation-rental-reviews/
Source:Vacation Rental Marketing, Villa Marketers
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