Is Your Bank Positioned for Success in 2013?

A common theme we hear from our Bank Consultants across the country is that it is so competitive, that banks are finding creative ways to make loans...
Talk to Your Customers About Turning On the Cash Flow!
Talk to Your Customers About Turning On the Cash Flow!
Oct. 29, 2012 - PRLog -- A common theme we at RMP Capital Corp hear from our Bank Consultants across the country is that it is so competitive, that banks are finding creative ways to make loans. Mainly because there are so few new creditworthy relationships flowing to the banks. Bankers are working harder to structure a relationship and we continue to see more and more formula lending. But, it is still a good sign that small businesses are continuing to trend towards local small community banks who they know and trust.

On the other side, business owners are unwilling to stick their necks out until the future becomes more certain. The upcoming presidential election will have a lot to do with that. But, no doubt it’s harder to get a working capital line of credit and many businesses just can’t qualify due to new regulations and what this economy has done to their balance sheets. On top of that, businesses are seeing their DSO on their accounts receivables stretched. Standard terms for large businesses and all the big box stores is 60 days. Large pharmaceutical firms are contracting with their vendors at 90 day payment terms!

So, when the economy does pick up and the entrepreneur’s develop ideas to take advantage of new opportuni-ties, they are going to come to the banks for help.

RMP Capital’s Community Bank Program can help position your bank to find a way to say “yes” to businesses, when at first you had to say “no!” It is a proven deposit building strategy, that increases fee income and has no cost or risk to the bank. Is your bank ready for 2013?

As most bankers say: “It’s another arrow in our quiver that we have to have in this economic environment.”

For more information and to answer questions, contact your RMP Bank Consultant. Give us a call today!

Visit us online for more information about RMP’s Community Bank Program:

Talk to Your Customers About Turning On the Cash Flow!
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