For Election Day: A song and a poem called "Run For Office"This is about a satire on politics called "Run For Office." "Outta work, need a job? Run For Office. Big debts, lots of sex? Run For Office." If you're tired of all those nasty political ads, now you can vent your frustrations with "Run For Office."
ARE YOU TIRED OF ALL THOSE NASTY POLITICAL ADS? HOW MUCH NASTIER CAN THEY GET? WHICH ADS ARE TRUE? WHICH ADS ARE FALSE? WHICH ADS ARE JUST PLAIN OLD MISLEADING? IS IT TRUE THAT THE CANDIDATE EATS HIS YOUNG? NOT SURE WHOM YOU ARE GOING TO VOTE FOR? NOT SURE HOW YOU SHOULD VOTE ON THE PROPOSITIONS? DOES VOTING YES REALLY MEAN VOTING NO? SOME SAY THE SCARIEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR IS HALLOWEEN... OH NO...THE SCARIEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR IS ELECTION NIGHT. BUT NOW AT LEAST YOU CAN HAVE A LAUGH ABOUT THE ELECTIONS WITH A SONG AND A POEM CALLED "RUN FOR OFFICE." (The Poem Version of "Run for Office" is shown at the end of this article.) Have you had it up to here with all those negative political ads and nasty hit pieces? Are you tired of choosing between the lesser of two evils? Do you already hate the candidate you plan to to vote for? Do you wish you could vote for none of the above? Don't you wish they would take the high road for once? "Sometimes they do take the high road," according to ad man Robert Barrows, president of R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising and Pubic Relations of San Mateo California. "They take the high road in one ad and sling the mud in another. It's like the old joke about politicians, they pat you on the back with one hand and pick your pocket with the other." "It would be a lot funnier if the stakes weren't so high," says Barrows. That's what led him to write a poem and a song called "Run For Office" Here is some background and information on the poem and the song version of "Run For Office." Barrows started writing the poem version of "Run For Office" in the early 1980s after watching an election season filled with very nasty political ads. Then, in 1998, he teamed up with a musician named Gary Warren, and they wrote a song version of "Run For Office." They released the song version of "Run For Office" in 1999 and it got some airplay on various radio stations that played rap and hip-hop. "Run For Office" is a satire about power, politics,sex,lies, money and greed. The people will love this song, politicians will hate it, and I could be in for some trouble with this song", says Barrows, it depends on who wins." Some sample lyrics to "Run For Office" are: "Out of work, I need a job...big debts, big sex while the poor gets robbed...Gonna run for office!" Some additional lyrics are phrases like: "Which race is open, I'm ready to go. Toss in my hat and here comes the dough." A verse about quid pro quo goes like this: "I'll give you a permit to drill. Give you a permit to steal. Just put me on Capitol Hill So what's a little oil spill?" The songs are available on a two-song CD for $5.00 that people can buy at Now, you can also download the song version of "Run For Office" on iTunes for 99 cents. Here is a link to the song version of "Run For Office" on itunes: Barrows also ran for office. He ran for Congress in the Democratic Primaries in the 12th Congressional District in California in 2006 and in 2008. He lost both times. In his own political advertising, he says he tried to take the high road and he would point out his disagreements with the other candidates on the issues, but he did not run any so-called "attack ads" says Barrows. "In politics, negative advertising is very powerful,and unfortunately, negative political advertising has become the name of the game. As much as people hate it, the mantra is still 'go negative, go early'" say Barrows. "But is that the best way to win votes?" "Unfortunately, for the people and the process, the only time we'll find out is on election day." "Some people say that the scariest night of the year is Halloween, says Barrows, I think the scariest night of the year is Election night." There is also another song that Barrows co-wrote with Gary Warren. That song is called "Big Bucks." "Big Bucks" is a song about pulling down big money and people can also download "Big Bucks" on iTunes for 99 cents. "In the climate of all the anti-Wall Street protests and all the negative political advertising, says Barrows, both songs, 'Run For Office' and 'Big Bucks' may resonate very well with the the ninety-nine percent and the one percent." "If money is indeed the root of all evil, you can vent your frustrations with 'Big Bucks' too," says Barrows. Here is a link to Big Bucks on itunes: Another "message" poem that Barrows wrote that might resonate well with the Occupy Wall Street movement is a poem called "It used to be made in America." The poem is about the loss of jobs and the consequences of the outsourcing of jobs to other countries. People can see the poem online at and also at "Several of the verses of "It used to be made in America" could also become very powerful lyrics for several country and hip-hop songs" says Barrows," and he also has plans for developing the website into a series of moneymaking web-based directories about manufacturing, jobs and products that would be made in America. The directories would be on a companion website called Companies interested in developing the commercial and entertainment possibilities of "It used to be made in America" should contact the author, Robert Barrows. HERE IS THE POEM VERSION OF RUN FOR OFFICE: "RUN FOR OFFICE" Copyright 1995, Robert Barrows Out of work? Need a job? Run for office! Big debts, lots of sex? Run For Office! Need prestige? Run for office! Get elected! Be respected! Even get yourself protected! Give unto Caesar that which is his! Get me Redford! Get me Liz! I'm going to make it really big... I'm going to run for office! All the money you need... The pleasures of power and greed... Got to start planting the seed... I'm going to run for office! Get elected! Get respected! Got to get myself selected! My future in bliss! I'll promise you that... I'll promise you this! ...With this big warm smile, hey, I can't miss! There's nothing to lose, and I could actually win! A couple of lies, hey, that's not like a sin? Which race is open? I'm ready to go! I'll toss my hat in! Here comes the dough! Where do I stand? It doesn't matter... I'm shaking everyone's hand! Oh what a feeling! I'm in command! Hey, nice to meet you! I'm running for office! Your goals are my goals! Vote for me! I'm your man! What are my plans? I'll show you when I get in office! For additional information on "Run For Office," "Big Bucks" and "It used to be made in America," contact Robert Barrows at R.M. Barrows, Inc. Advertising at 650-344-4405, Photo: End
Page Updated Last on: Nov 05, 2012