![]() eRank Technologies Introduces eRank 1.0eRank Technologies today announced the launch of eRank® 1.0 -The effectiveness feature that was missing in e-mail processing. It is intended for teams, companies and organizations.
The effectiveness feature that was missing in e-mail processing eRank Technologies (www.erank.pro) today announced the launch of eRank® 1.0, an effectiveness app for e-mail processing. It is intended for teams, companies and organizations. eRank 1.0 comes with innovative features such as eRank-designed Priority Matrix®, a language composed of five priority levels; Distraction Inbox®, an informative Inbox; and Concentration Inbox®, which empowers executives to concentrate on the e-mails that come first. “eRank was designed to help people become e-mail athletes,” said Joe Castrovera, eRank´s CEO. “With our genuine interest on executive concentration, the e-mail processing experience takes a whole new dimension. With eRank, more than six unique features make debut in e-mail communication. eRank is the ultimate en e-mail processing.” One of eRank´s intrinsic value is reciprocity. As Harvard´s Mathematical Biologist, Martin Nowak points out, “What is very important for efficient reciprocity is language”. eRank 1.0 is based on a form of common language between users called Priority Matrix® –a propietary measurement system composed of five Priority Levels with four specific criterias for each: (1) Level: Five simple but powerful priority levels with which the Sender can label his e-mails. They range from P0 (the utmost urgent) to P4 (non-urgent); eRank 1.0 revolutionizes the Inbox. At eRank, the old Inbox is now called Distraction Inbox® –the new generation in Inboxes. It is informative and action oriented. It is your familiar Inbox where all your e-mails are displayed in the order they are received –but labeled. A highly visible priority icon* besides each e-mail according to the Priority Matrix® empowers the user to take action. eRank 1.0 is proud to introduce Concentration Inbox®. It is how e-mail effectiveness looks like: E-mails categorized according to shared priority levels within your organization. It is a place of mutual exchange of benefits. It is where Corporate E-mail Athletes –paraphrasing Peter Drucker-show their courage to impose on time and events his or her own decision as to what e-mails really matter and come first. Concentration Inbox® is where the users transition from reading e-mails randomly to doing so by shared priorities. Once you hit the Concentration Inbox Button on the Distraction Inbox®, you access the Concentration Inbox® screen with its five buttons at the bottom, one for each of the Priority Matrix® levels –with their own counter indicator. In sum, users not only get their messages labeled in the informative Distraction Inbox®, but also classified by priority levels in the amazing Concentration Inbox®. It is e-mail concentration made posible. “eRank goes beyond the e-mail overwhelm issue,” adds Castrovera. “It casts a flux of positive energy that we call eRank adrenaline –the power of knowing that every e-mail in your organization is labeled based on shared levels of importance and replied within an expected time of response.” Other than that eRank was inspired on the DEFCON* System, what makes eRank stand out are three things: Its vision is not based on “me” only but also on “us”; its structure is not based on a predictive algorithm but on a shared language; and its solution is not overengineered. It is rather simple and powerful. More importantly, eRank is the result of a decade-strong, proven, best business practice turned into embeded software. “In sum, eRank intends to help organizations transition from sending to talking. eRank is –paraphrasing Arthur Miller- an organization talking to itself,” ends Castrovera. Availability & Pricing eRank was launched to market worldwide on December 17th 2012 through the App Store. Two Apple versions have just been released: iPod and iPhone. Other platforms and versions like iPad will follow. However, you can download the iPhone version on the iPad. It won´t display full screen, but the iPhone version feels comfortable. Plus, the iPad´s “2X” button converts the app almost to full screen. eRank 1.0 is based on reMail, an open source Project by Google. Thus, it supports all accounts that run on IMAP Protocol and all those related to Gmail. For a limited time, the app will be available free of charge on the App Store. Watch Demo here: http://www.youtube.com/ Press Contacts: Joe Castrovera eRank Technologies jcastro@erank.pro | www.erank.pro *(Defense Readiness Condition), a measure of the activation and readiness level of the United States Armed Forces. It describes progressive postures for use between unified commands. DEFCONs are matched to the situations of military severity (http://en.wikipedia.org/ © 2012 eRank Technologies. All rights reserved. eRank, the eRank logo, eRank Priority Matrix, Distraction Inbox, and Concentration Inbox are trademarks of eRank Technologies. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End