“Signs" and Other Comedies - Is it a Sign or is it a SIGN? YES it is! Full Speed Ahead!

The New Light Theatre is proud to present “Signs and Other Comedies” Original One Act Comedies by Wendy White, Vanessa Garcia and Elaine Alonso-Cruz Friday, December 14, 2012 at 8 p.m. Saturday, December 15, 2012 at 8 p.m
Signs and Other Comedies
Signs and Other Comedies
Nov. 27, 2012 - PRLog -- Location: New Light Theatre at Gallery 101
3354 Northeast 33rd Street
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308

Featuring a Star Studded cast:

1. Allaria Angras
2. Sophia Barrett
3. The One and Only Christina Jolie Breza
4. Gema Calero
5. Mariam Devash
6. Robert Hernandez
7. Ken La Kier
8. Gabriel Villasmil

New Light Theatre Box Office: 954.829.0638

Tickets. $12 in advance / $15 at the door

Box office: 954-829-0638



How Signs and other Comedies came to be:

“Can we truly judge a book by its cover?  Depending on the Sign can you see a miracle? “Signs” and Other Comedies explores these questions and more,” states the playwright and director Wendy White.  “Based on a premise that a picture can say a thousand words, the playwrights were given a prompt of the name of sign and asked to write an entire play based on the sign they chose - resulting in comedic one act plays and monologues reflecting the signs of our times in the most unexpected places,” states playwright and director Wendy White.

The playwright and director, Wendy White has written over 125 one-act plays and was a resident playwright, curator and director at the Kraine Theater in the East Village of New York City from 1984 to 1992, and at the Expanded Arts Theater Company from 1994 to 2001, in the Lower East Side of New York City. Her off-Broadway productions are the base for her new venue at the New Light Theatre. She recently produced her one woman show; The Jewish Nun to sold-out audiences in Off-Broadway’s 59e59 Theatre and at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Adam White, Gallery owner, Gallery 101 went to see “Who Could Have Predicted” in Miami in May 2011 at Wynwood's GAB studio and decided to offer Wendy a permanent home in his Fort Lauderdale gallery surrounded by cafes, restaurants, boutiques and other galleries. "Wendy and New Light Theatre will be able to cast plays every month and have a solid home base from which to create. We are very excited to have her here; she is an immense talent that promises to get even bigger and better with this wonderful association” states Adam White, Gallery owner, Gallery 101(www.gallery-101.com (http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gallery-...)).

Wendy White would like to thank the wonderfully talented playwright Vanessa Garcia, Artistic Director of Krane, Inc. for all her support in the process of developing Signs and Other Comedies - In 2010, Garcia, the Founding Artistic Director of Krane, Inc. was named one of Miami's 20 Under 40 by The Miami Herald for her work in theatre. For more information about Garcia, please visit: www.vanessagarcia.org

The dream team includes the fabulous playwright, Elaine Alonso-Cruz who is joining us with her brand new comedy "Full Speed Ahead!"

In 2009, the New Light Foundation, Inc. represented the United States as Art Ambassadors by the 1-2-3 Kinderlachen e.V. foundation of Rottenburg, Germany by hosting the international “Global Gallery” project (www.123kinderlachen.org (http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.123kinde...)). During the course of this important project, the “world’s biggest canvas” emerged; painted by children – transcending all borders and conflicts.

The New Light Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit public foundation, has won numerous awards around the globe, has performed everywhere from Amsterdam to Paris; from Miami to Los Angeles to New York City; and has tackled subjects relating to women, love, politics, and Shakespeare. More information about the writer and director, Wendy White can be found on her website: www.newlightgallery.org. Please visit: http://www.newlightgallery.org/paintingswendy/theater-resume.html

Press contact: Wendy White wendywhitelight@hotmail.com
Phone: 954.829.0638
New Light Foundation, Inc. PRs
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