David Handcock On Ethics 2012. His Pledge

David Handcock ran for office this year. He did not win. In my opinion we the voters didn't win either. David is a man with a passion for doing what's right. Hopefully he will be back.
david handcock
david handcock
Nov. 29, 2012 - PRLog -- Ethics in government is a passion of mine. So I am always looking for examples of politicians getting it right. I ran across David Handcock’s pledge during the election this year. This is one of the best I’ve seen. Everything I hear about from insiders David is positive. He has the old fashion belief that if elected, he would actually serve his constituents. We don’t always see that.

By: David Handcock (From his web site)

My Pledge:

I pledge to accept no money in this campaign. I am tired of a few Georgia politicians and candidates who have spoiled it for everyone by only giving lip service to ethics reform. There is just too much money in politics. Educated voters should select candidates based on qualifications and not how many times they see a name on a sign. Money is also not as important as it was 20 years ago – ample information on any candidate is available on the Internet, in newspapers and at public events and debates. I agree that money can be helpful in a campaign (in fact I support several candidates financially), but this is simply the way I have chosen to run this race.

If elected, I pledge to spend no time fundraising or running for another term. As much as half of a politician’s time can be taken up with fundraising, and even more is consumed running for reelection. We are paying representatives a salary to represent us, not to campaign. The candidate’s previous term

should serve as his campaign. Furthermore candidates should not be able to carry forward money raised in a previous election to spend in their next campaign. This puts any challenger at a tremendous disadvantage.

I pledge to serve no more than two terms, and I hope to serve only one. Being in Congress would be a tremendous honor, but it would be very difficult on my family and my business. A Congressional seat should never be a career.

I pledge to only speak with residents and businesses within my district. Lobbyists have too much power over representatives. Attention instead should be given to the people the representative was elected to serve. I will not accept any gifts, not even a free lunch or cup of coffee. I believe in paying my own way just like everyone else.

I pledge to not vote for a single piece of legislation unless I have read and understood it. Congress is still bringing bills to a vote before the public has time to study them. If a majority of members refused to vote on legislation that the public hasn’t had time to read this process would come to an end. I will also follow the example of Justin Amash and post my voting record online.

I pledge to never vote with the Republican Party when it is not in the best interest of the Country. Citizens should not go to Washington to build a resume or to make powerful friends. The goal should be to serve a term or two and then return home.

I pledge to never accept any Tenure or Pension. Members of Congress are paid while in office and should not receive ongoing support of the taxpayers once they return to private life. Until we can get the rules changed each Representative should lead by example and turn down this wasteful spending.

I pledge to live under the same rules, insurance programs and Social Security system as every other citizen. For obvious reasons Congress has set up programs that benefit only its members. Congress should live in the same world as the people they represent. If possible I will refuse any special plans. If it is not possible, I will work to make this an option.

If elected, I am committed to ask the following questions about every vote:

1 – Is it moral?
2 – Is it Constitutional?
3 – Does it reduce the size and scope of the Federal Government?
4 – Does it increase personal liberty and freedom?
5 – Does it increase federal spending?

There are a lot of nice things the Federal government could do for people, but most of them overstep the bounds of the Constitution. Add to that the fact that we just can’t afford them, and it is obvious we need to start making changes.

I have written our representatives, attended meetings and assisted with rallies. I have organized events, served on the board of the Gwinnett Republican Party, written letters to the editor and sent out e-mails by the hundreds. I have written articles, set up websites and Facebook pages and met with elected officials. It is time to try something different.

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