Heating Contractors, Are You Prepared For What’s Coming? Take This Test and Find OutMAP Communications, a national 24 hour answering service that, in addition to other industries, supports heating contractors all across the United States with remote receptionist services.
By: Mike Cynar The US has already is already getting pounded with as much as two feet of snow and there’s a new storm that may soon crush parts of New England, the mid-Atlantic and maybe even parts of Ohio within the next week. This storm could potentially become a very dangerous blizzard causing massive power outages and loss of heat for millions of consumers everywhere. This is just the beginning of the season and no doubt many more winter storms will follow behind over the next few months. According the Mike Cynar, the company’s spokesperson, MAP has learned that for many HVAC contactors this will be a short window of opportunity to earn the bulk of their annual income. Cynar should know because every winter his firm answers emergency calls from tens of thousands consumers in distress over lost heat. Cynar adds “if we were not answering those calls live the consumers would just have called another heating contractor, and that’s why our clients need us, because we protect their customer base”. When the temperature drops and the heat goes out there’s limited tolerance and most consumers will demand an immediate response. While contractors may be able to get to all of their clients consumers need to know that up front. When distressed customers are greeted with an answering machine they have no way of knowing for sure just how soon that message will be received and responded to. It’s only natural to feel a need to have your problem heard by a live human being that is assuring you that your needs are important will be quickly be remedied. To help heating contractors fully understand just how many customers they are losing to voice mail the company is currently offering up to a one week free trial of live HVAC answering services. The promotion requires no up front contract or financial information. Cynar says “We are certain that clients will see a substantial increase in new customers and during the trial their consumers will be relieved by knowing that their problems are instantly being addressed”. Cynar adds “you can’t go wrong, it’s free, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain”. Year after year contractors forfeit millions of their advertising dollars by giving up customers to their age old answering machines. Today’s consumers expect a much higher level of customer service no matter what the industry, and when those standards are not met people take their business somewhere else. About MAP Communications, Inc: An employee-owned company in business since 1991 MAP provides answering and call center services to business all across the US. The company employees over 400 employees nationwide and serves the medical community, Heating & Cooling (HVAC) legal, service industry and hundreds of other small business types. http://www.mapcommunications.com/ Contact: Mike Cynar MAP Communications, Inc 800-395-5428 mcynar@mapcommunications.com Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End