Linda Howe announces two 5-day retreats for 2013

Healing Through the Akashic Records, July 28-August 1. Your ExtraOrdinary Life, September 29-October 3. Hyatt Lodge at McDonald's Campus, Oak Brook, Illinois
Jan. 2, 2013 - PRLog -- Linda Howe, award-winning author of "How to Read the Akashic Records" (Sounds True, 2009) and "Healing Through the Akashic Records" (Sounds True, 2010), and founder and director of the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies, is bringing her popular 5-day retreat program to the Chicago area for the first time in 2013.

Healing Through the Akashic Records: Using the Power of Your Sacred Wounds to Discover your Soul’s Perfection
July 28 - August 1, 2013

This is a course in spiritual healing. While there are many therapeutic benefits, this is not a substitute, nor is it intended to be, for professional medical, psychiatric, or other care. Our focus will be on the emotional, personal, and energetic component of sacred wounds. A “sacred wound” is an injury (physical, mental, or emotional) sustained in everyday life which we use as evidence of our unworthiness but later transform into an access point or portal to our essential goodness. The healing occurs once we shift perspective from ordinary wound to sacred wound.

For those interested in their own personal healing: This retreat will provide a safe space, offering effective protocols and powerful Akashic energies to support your transformation through your challenges into your magnificence.

For those also interested in helping others to heal: This retreat offers a turbo-charged method enabling you to radiate and transmit Akashic Light with friends, loved ones, and clients! Because we only and always transmit who we are and what we have, this program offers you the opportunity to go to your next level of aliveness and break through many of the obstacles to healing. Each stage of the work addresses using the protocols with other people.

Your ExtraOrdinary Life: Manifesting Your Soul's Purposes.
Your Extra-Ordinary Certification!

September 29 - October 3, 2013

In this wonderful five-day retreat, we explore the challenge of being spiritually awake, aware and aligned with our soul’s purposes while engaging effectively in the material/physical world.  This is the opportunity of our age.  In our time together, we learn simple but powerful strategies empowering us to navigate these realities.  Shifting from ordinary to Extra-Ordinary and balancing our inner triangle, composed of Heart, Mind and Will positions us to manifest our Soul’s Purposes, our Mind’s Visions and our Heart’s Desires.

We will examine each point of the five-pointed star centered within the core of our being.  Each point holds a condition of consciousness with its own possibilities and probabilities.  Together, they function as pillars of Light structuring our interior reality.  When each individual point is in its integrity within itself and in harmony with the others, a perfect five-pointed start emerges, holding the space for the infinite inner grace to reveal and radiate through our humanity out into the world.  

Addressing the topics in a specific sequence, constructing a solid internal structure supporting our interactions in the world, we begin with Incarnation, moving on to Authority, Discipline, Responsibility and Commitment constituting the points of Light.  Each point is fundamental to successful, satisfying engagement in the world.  Our goal is to lead lives honoring our Innermost Self in practical, ordinary ways.

The Hyatt Lodge at McDonald's Campus (
2815 Jorie Boulevard, Oak Brook, Illinois (near Chicago)

Substantial discounts for early registration, bring-a-friend, and students attending both retreats.

For more information and to register, please visit
Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies News
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