Real Estate Wealth Advisors, LLC (R.E.W.A) - CEO Patrick A. Dean

As a young man Patrick A. Dean had fleeting thoughts of becoming the next leading wide receiver for the National Football league; however, high school injuries curtailed that dream. Despite the fact that his NFL dreams...
Jan. 7, 2013 - PRLog -- As a young man Patrick A. Dean had fleeting thoughts of becoming the next leading wide receiver for the National Football league; however, high school injuries curtailed that dream. Despite the fact that his NFL dreams were not to be a reality, he realized that his destiny was to serve as oppose to being in the spotlight. Fast forward, as an executive manager in mortgage banking, and real estate investments for over 15 years Patrick Dean has achieved great success; however, his passion is now giving back to young men and women by developing them to take charge as successful global leaders.

As a partner with his wife Karen Fernando Dean (Queen of Short Sale), together they operate their successful multimillion dollar boutique Realty firm, Dean Realty Associates; Mr. Dean oversees the integrity of the brand by keeping the company substantive and relevant. However, Patrick Dean has recently gone through the metamorphosis process, whereas reinventing himself as a Wealth Advisor by acquiring the necessary advisory licenses and bringing an added value to his clients. His master plan back in 2009 was to launch his personal dream to merge America’s two most fundamental and traditional areas of great wealth, which are Real Estate & Finance. This innovative concept is not new; however, his methodologies are unique and refreshing! When asked about his new venture, Mr. Dean states “We are not of the status quo or should I say prehistoric mindset, which is schemed for the elite rich only to get richer. We love the rich, but our focus is to educate the middle class, so that the playing field will be equitable.”

Patrick recently educated his new hires by stating “As our appointed leaders hash out this fiscal cliff dilemma, we must understand that we are in one of the greatest economical transitional periods in our nation’s history, as the Baby Boomers are retiring daily by the thousands we are looking at the greatest wealth transfer in history. The question becomes - what kind of advice and education is being given to both parties in the transfer transaction? Also, interest rates are at an all-time low, yet fear has stricken the middle class, due to unemployment and our recent foreclosure crisis. Education and effective communication is paramount. The baton has been placed in the Generation X and Millennial generation hands.” There is a new wind, a fresh air blowing in today’s global economy, comprised of design thinkers that are contrarian in nature. Real Estate Wealth advisors are focused on the middle class bouncing back. Mr. Dean said “Our stable is replete of Real Estate Wealth Advisors whom are equipped and dedicated professionals. We are 21st century game changers!  If one is not prepared for the 21st century, whereas the paradigm has changed in the Real Estate space, then success is not probable.  Almost anything goes in this global economy! There must be a new approach in order to keep up with a moving target! Now is the time for Generation X and the Millennial Generation to take the reins and move into new methodologies towards achieving great wealth via sound investments and Real Estate! This is how we take the country back! Entrepreneurship at its best! Here at R.E.W.A Ideation is our middle name, first is Team, and last is wealth! There it is entrepreneurship at its best! Real Estate ownership is rooted in legacy!  If you don't believe me, then ask the children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of the Rockefeller’s, Vanderbilt's, JP Morgan, and Donald Trump! Now that’s pedigree defined. We are Real Estate Wealth Advisors!”

As the CEO, Patrick Dean is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Business Development , including sales, marketing, finance, investor relations, and services. Real Estate Wealth Advisors (R.E.W.A) is focused on creating new Real Estate Wealth Advisors via our Mastery Mentorship program. The Mastery Mentorship program will teach students how to acquire property with no down payment, no established credit, and be true experts in Real Estate and Business finance. Most real estate programs teach you to memorize text books for the purpose of passing an exam, while void of real world application. Patrick Dean states “It’s not memorization, its application! Our proprietary strategies and methodologies are proven. Our experts combined tenure and wealth of knowledge ensures legacy setting success, as you learn Real Estate trade secrets.”

R.E.W.A is currently conducting interviews, as the company seeks to hire 75 Real Estate Wealth Advisors in this first quarter of 2013. If you are that person who embodies tenacity, has an uncommon desire to achieve greatness, has a great attitude, and possess a great aptitude! If you possess those attributes, then apply at:

For additional information, please visit the website at:

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