Femur fractures occur ordinarily in elderly persons and more frequently in woman.

Femur fractures occur ordinarily in elderly persons and more frequently in woman. Following CPR and First Aid Classes of ncprc.com explain emergency procedures, lay rescuer treatment and reduction in initial shock.
Jan. 11, 2013 - PRLog -- Femur fractures occur ordinarily in elderly persons and more frequently in woman. Following ncprc.com/online-cpr-certification-recertification and First Aid Classes of ncprc,com explain emergency procedures, lay rescuer treatment and reduction initial shock.
The greater tendency to fracture in the persons has been connected to decalcification of the bone secondary to changes due to aging and bodily activities.
Recent investigations tend to show, that in addition to the decalcification there is also a marked decrease in the organic constitution of the bone. This would make for a clearer understanding of the brittleness, plus the fact that the neck of the femur is subject to cross strain and to torsion strain intensified by the momentum of the body weight, readily explains the frequency of the fracture in the elderly and the mildness of the trauma which causes it.
The fracture occurrence is of two types and recognition of the violence involved is of importance as is course in treatment and prognoses. One type is that embodied in a misstep on the stairs or in stepping from street curb or a slip on a wet floor. As a result there occurs sudden shift in body weight on the affected limb with cross strain on the femoral neck and practically a twist effort at recovery, with coincidental torsion strain. The other scenario is that in which there is actually a blow against a bone without torsion. When the patient is examined it is noted that foot on the painful side is outwardly rotated, any movement of the leg causes pain in the hop or groin, more particularly of internal rotation and practically impossible. Inspection alone may show that affected leg is shorter than the sound one. In addition to these signs;  
First Aid Training Course (http://www.ncprc.com/first-aid-online-course-certificates... ), the hip on the affected side is apt to be definitely more prominent than the hip on the uninjured side.
In the elderly unconscious patient following accident, the hips should always be carefully examined for possibility of fracture and if gross signs are not present, muscle spasm on movement and /or restriction of the motion range should make adequate  CPR certification online (http://www.ncprc.com/free-online-cpr-certification-recert... ) examination essential in order to rule out the possibility of fracture. In the treatment of these cases the fact that patient is often aged and suffering from ailment common to old age is frequently allowed to exercise too great an influence in choice of method.  Every patient of course requires a careful and complete evaluation by physician, determines which treatment or no treatment is indicated. It means that these lesions must be treated as well fracture is to have good outcome.

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