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Follow on Google News | Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy Turning Nutrition Obstacles Into OpportunitiesObesity an American Epidemic. Keatley MNT launches to combat existing diabetes and obesity.
By: Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy In response to the dramatic increase in obesity in the United States Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy has launched in New York City. This private practice is focused on managing existing diabetes and obesity. It is dedicated to the integral component of diabetes and obesity self-management education. Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy takes pride in helping clients turn obstacles into opportunities. Keatley MNT has become known for taking on challenging and demanding cases. Keatley interests lie in finding creative, yet sound, solutions for Diabetes management, nutrition education, weight control and behavior modification. The mission of Kealtey MNT is to make people with diabetes and obesity be aware of beneficial nutrition interventions. This requires the use of the best available scientific evidence while taking into account treatment goals, strategies to attain such goals, and changes individuals with diabetes are willing and able to make. Achieving nutrition-related goals requires a coordinated team effort that includes the person with diabetes and involves him or her in the decision-making process. About Gina Keatley, CDN Gina Keatley, CDN is Certified Dietitian Nutritionist based in New York City. Keatley holds a degree in Nutrition from New York University and a degree in Culinary Arts from the Art Institute of New York City. She is an active ambassador for The American Diabetes Association and holds several board seats throughout NYC including, Mount Sinai Diabetes Impact. Keatley’s career is a natural extension of a lifelong passion for nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. She prides herself on helping clients turn obstacles into opportunities and incorporates a focused personal food accountability theme into her therapy programming. Keatley has received numerous awards for her contributions to the nutrition field. She has been recognized for her charity nutritional work, being named a 2011 CNN Hero and L’Oreal Woman of Worth. Additionally, The Women Chefs and Restaurateurs, American Culinary Federation and The James Beard Foundation have recognized Gina for her culinary and nutritional impact. End
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