Shared Web Hosting vs Dedicated Web Hosting

Deciding which web hosting service is best for your business presence online between shared web hosting or dedicated web hosting can be easily resolved with the understanding of what they each provide.
Jan. 19, 2013 - PRLog -- Deciding which web hosting service is best for your business presence online between shared web hosting or dedicated web hosting can be easily resolved with the understanding of what they each provide.

When you are first confronted with a decision of what type of web hosting to choose you probably have no clue as to what difference it makes, right? Well, not to worry, everything will e more clear here in a few minutes.

Think of web hosting as a business that caters to a lot of people and most are content with regular ethanol, while some prefer high octane ethanol. We’re not really speaking of gasoline here, but the analogy is relevant. Another analogy and one that is probably better fitted for this explanation is choosing between an apartment complex versus a stately mansion in which to reside.

Web hosting is a service provided by an internet company than will allow you to upload and maintain your website on the internet. They offer many features in which to operate your online presence and you must have a web host in order to manage your website on the web.

Choosing between web hosting companies is one choice and how your website will be hosted is another. For most small businesses that want an online presence a shared web hosting account is more appropriate for one reason if nothing else, pricing.

You see, it is better to pay to be included in a group of website entrepreneurs wanting web hosting and sharing in the server loading and sharing in the cost to do so rather than asking for the stately mansion where you get to reside on an individual server and basically get stiffed for the big mortgage payment each month.

The big difference between what type of web hosting you need is the size and complexity of your website. If you are a large company that has many facets and departments in which to maintain and keep organized, the last thing you want is to be squeezed into an apartment complex in which to get your business done.

Enough of the analogies, shared web hosting is for 99% of the websites online. You share a space on a single web server with other website owners, while a dedicated web server is for larger more detailed businesses, each being on a separate web server, that are better suited for the price and the assurance of being catered to as far as uptime and being able to handle more complex websites with multiple compartments.
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