Missionary Overcomes Adversity, Rises above Ailments, and Writes a Novel

A former missionary to remote bush Alaska, forced to return to the lower 48 states ....
By: Vayahiy Press
Jan. 31, 2013 - PRLog -- A former missionary to remote bush Alaska, forced to return to the lower 48 states because of ailments once thought to be ALS, has risen above his ailments and currently ministers in Alabama, is the current chairman of the Sovereign Grace Baptist Fellowship, and has written a trilogy of novellas, the first in the series being available free on Amazon Kindle the weekend of February 2, 2013.

Anniston, Alabama; Twenty years after his honorable discharge from a decade and a half of U.S. Navy service, and most of those years as a deep sea diver, Jon J. Cardwell makes a splash of a different kind; this time, instead of diving operations in the pristine waters of Hawaii or Palau’s exotic clime, it’s an adventure in teen fiction. Cardwell has independently published his Science Fiction/Christian Fantasy trilogy and the books are available in Kindle or paperback at Amazon.com: (1) You Kill’d My Pahder, Frefare to Die; (2) There’s Rest in Beulah; and (3) Hab Pun Storming the Castle. Cardwell encourages the free download of You Kill’d My Pahder, Frefare to Die, which will be available for 3 days at Amazon.com from midnight PST, Saturday, February 2, 2013 until Monday, February 4 at 11:59 pm.

Did the author draw from his experiences as a Navy diver, martial artist, missionary, and Baptist pastor to write the series (subtitled, The Continuing Saga and Delicious Misadventures of Wilmer P. Cohen: Pilgrim, Patriot, Just Plain Joe)? To answer, Jon Cardwell nods with an enigmatic smile.

Cardwell explains, “By God’s grace, my life has been a rather providential Forrest Gump and Little Big Man meets Men of Honor.”

Although he still suffers from symptoms that mimic Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), a diagnosis has eluded VA doctors. The Cardwells have also looked into the possibility of Lyme’s disease because Jon has been bit by ticks throughout his Alaskan travels; nevertheless, the controversy surrounding that disease leaves little hope for diagnosis or treatment. The Cardwell family continues to trust in Christ by faith and prayer; and further, Jon has taken more proactive measures through diet, moderate exercise and natural home remedies: “I want to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow to be teens who read these books,” he confides.

Two more of Cardwell’s titles will also be available for free Kindle download at Amazon.com that same weekend: (1) Custom Classic Cars, a teen non-fiction; and (2) Christ and Him Crucified, a Christian non-fiction. These two books will be available for free download for 3 days and 2 days respectively, beginning February 2, 2013 at midnight PST.

More information about each book in the “Wilmer P. Cohen Trilogy” is available on their respective websites: http://youkilledmypahder.com, http://restinbeulah.com, and http://habpunstormingthecastle.com.

Jon J. Cardwell
CEO, Vayahiy Press
PR, http://vayahiypress.com/pr-ykmp.html
Phone: (256) 275-8996
Email: jon@vayahiypress.com

Books; Publishing; Religion; Christianity; Young Adult Fiction; Young Adult Non-fiction
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