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Follow on Google News | Manhattan eye doctor provides offers to make contact buying a priorityDuring winter months, winter sports can take up the time of many fun seekers who want to take advantage of the special opportunities for recreation that comes with the cold. Since glasses often fog up or break as a result of activities like skiing.
The winter months seem longer and longer in the northern portion of the United States every year. Finding what to do to pass the time in sometimes very difficult weather can often be a challenge. Many Americans even suffer from seasonal depression as a result of shortened daytime hours. The remedy to these difficult months is often a unique type of diversion to lift the spirits. Winter recreation is doubtless to lift the spirits of many who otherwise find no joy in bitter cold. A sad drawback to the fun of many individuals is their need to use prescription eyewear to correct poor vision. The most enjoyable forms of winter recreation often require high speeds and high levels of alertness. There is nothing worse than having some sort of impediment to navigating steep mountain slopes while skiing or snowboarding for instance. According to many a Manhattan eye doctor, that is just the complaint that many glasses wearers present during winter months. Their glasses limit their ability to fully enjoy their winter recreation. Some glasses wearers can get away with not wearing their glasses during a normal day at the office say Manhattan optometrists. The problem arises when more is asked of them on a ski slope that require them to carve with precision making quick and sometimes life preserving decisions. In this intense environment anybody needs to be at the peak of their performance in every sense. For somebody who makes the utmost of efforts to maintain their conditioning throughout the year while knowing the risks that thrilling sports present, it is more than a dissapointment when a pair of glasses make their day of diversion less than what they desired. A Manhattan optometrist highlights the most common form of limitations that glasses present during cold weather. The first is often fogging which can persist even after the lenses are wiped. When a pair of glasses fogs in that middle of a slope, it is often impossible to stop and clean them. If the fogging seriously diminishes visibility a dangerous crash could result. Even if cleaning them is possible time after time, the constant stopping and starting negates the basic thrill of rocketing down the slope at high speed. Another irritation that Manhattan optometrists describe is the threat of taking a fall and breaking the glasses. The loss of the frames is one worry in itself, but the high speed presents an even more serious threat: facial injury. Taking a fall at high speeds with glasses will often jam the glasses right up against the eye itself or the soft and sensitive skin around the eyes. Serious and permanent damage can be caused to the eyes including blindness. In the case that the eye itself is not damaged, unsightly scars can result. Tribeca Vision, a Manhattan eye doctor, is currently offering contacts at a bargain for those who wish to buy a one year supply. Making the transition to contacts now can mean enjoying winter sports with much less risks and more enjoyment. A year supply could easily mean skiing this year and also could carry through to the better part of next winter. End
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