New Book “From the Living Room of Middle Class America” Gives Voice to Voter Frustration

Full of fresh ideas and perspectives on everything from campaign promises to education reform, taxes to social welfare, G.C. Gonzalez challenges the idea that politics is too complicated to be understood by the average American.
Straight from the living room of middle class America.
Straight from the living room of middle class America.
Feb. 25, 2013 - PRLog -- Holden, MA – Amid a grueling election cycle that has been long on negative ads and short on any real hope for change, most Americans are ready to put politics back on a shelf and return to their regular lives. But one American is speaking out on behalf of the frustrated and overlooked “common Americans.” G.C. Gonzalez—a self-­‐described “regular middle class guy” with a full-­‐time job, a mortgage, a wife, and two grown kids—has become so fed up with the behavior of elected officials on both sides of the aisle that he wrote a book about it. Thoughts of a Common American: I’ve Had Enough! (Commoner Press, 2012) is now available in paperback and Kindle e-­‐book form.

Gonzalez, an optical engineer and Marine veteran who says he’s never been interested in writing, admits that he didn’t pay much attention to politics until recently. “My personal political ignorance is a fraction of the reason that government was allowed to run astray from representing the American people,” he says now. His book is the culmination of several years of research, collected and presented for other frustrated Americans who feel helpless when faced with the political machine of career politicians, lobbyists, fiscal waste, and wasted entitlements.

“My book challenges the idea that common Americans cannot change American  politics – cannot change Washington D.C. to once again work for the American  people. But it starts with making people aware. How can we process the  information we are fed on a daily basis? What can we do to press our elected  officials to make decisions that are less partisan? Are there ways to solve the big problems in this country?”

Gonzalez stresses that he is no expert on the subject of politics, and that this is what makes his book unique. Early readers agree, noting that its unique solutions to issues from campaign promises to education reform, taxes to social welfare, are conversation starters.

Gonzalez is available for interviews, community events, book club appearances, and speaking engagements.

For more information, to request a review copy, or to schedule an interview, contact:

G.C. Gonzalez

About G.C. Gonzalez
G.C. (Gilberto) Gonzalez is an optical engineer, more comfortable with math and science than with putting words on a page. He grew up in Michigan, married his high school sweetheart, and spent thirteen years in the U.S. Marine Corps. He now works with a major research firm. He has a B.S. from the University of Michigan and a M.S from Walden University. He and his wife live in Massachusetts, near their two adult children and their first grandson. He blogs regularly at

Interview Questions    

1. You're not a politician or a political insider. What prompted you to write a book about the American political system?

2. You offer some pretty radical changes in your book, like changing the federal tax code and budget to let every tax-paying American choose where their tax contributions get allocated in the federal budget. Do you really think that would work?

3. How do you answer the critics who say that policy decisions should be left to the experts?

4. What's one thing that your "common American" readers can do to change the direction of the country right now?

5. What's next for you as a writer? Any other projects planned or underway?

For more information or to schedule an interview, contact:

G.C. Gonzalez

Thoughts of a Common American: I’ve Had Enough!

Copyright © 2012 Published by Commoner Press, LLC
ISBN: Trade paperback: 978-0-9857587-0-7; Kindle: 978-0-9857587-1-4


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