Today's Senior Magazine Wins The "Keeping America Strong Award"

Moving America Forward, hosted by William Shatner and Doug Llewelyn, discuss Today's Senior Magazine's popularity, advertising opportunities, and the business opportunity being offered, gives Today's Senior Magazine the" Keeping America Strong Award"
Feb. 14, 2013 - PRLog -- Today's Senior Magazine went to print in 2004 with our first area edition, the North Sacramento Valley Edition, and has been expanding into new communities throughout the country.  Our publication provides important and informative news about topics of interest to people 50 and over. We also provide businesses with an effective and affordable way to advertise their products or services.  Many of our current advertisers have been actively advertising with us for years because of the results they get.

We currently provide communities throughout the country, with large senior populations, their own area edition that includes local advertisers and news, plus the many popular articles that appear in all area editions, to include humor and games.

Last year we started offering our current Business Opportunity for people who want to bring the magazine to their communities.  A publishing background, or experience in printing or advertising, are not necessary.  We provide the magazine, magazine content, ad design, magazine layout, printing, delivery, an online version and a web site for the licensee.  A licensee only has to generate advertising revenues, which they keep, and ensure local distribution of the magazine is done each month. Licensees can easily be earning over $12,000 in monthly profits, with the chance to increase their revenues as they increase advertisers in their area edition.  We offer entrepreneurs exclusive areas, and do not charge them a licensing fee, only a deposit on their first edition.

Two months ago we were contacted by the TV Show "Moving America Forward". The purpose of this national television show is to give entrepreneurs the credibility they need to help move our economy forward.  This being achieved by icon celebrity William Shatner and famous TV anchor Doug Llewelyn presenting products and achievements of selected entrepreneurs in a TV show format, a show that airs nationally and is then targeted to the business community and to the entrepreneur's distributors and clients.  Their goal is to move America forward by giving America's entrepreneurs the recognition they need to succeed.

When contacted by the producers of "Moving America Forward", we were informed that their researchers discovered Today's Senior Magazine's web site, and upon reviewing the web site, decided that they might be interested in having us on the TV Show.  After several interviews, and presentation of the company to William Shatner and producer Bert Tenzer, the decision was made to feature Today's Senior Magazine on "Moving America Forward" for presentation of their "Keeping America Strong Award".  The taping of the award presentation was done in January 2013.

If you are looking for a place to advertise your business to seniors, or if you are seeking a proven business opportunity, one that benefits you financially and generates the gratitude of local seniors and businesses, you should take fifteen minutes to view the TV Show and award presentation:

For information about advertising in Today's Senior Magazine:

For information about Today's Senior Magazine Business Opportunity:

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