Independent Pharmacy Directory – A New Pharmacy Locator Makes it Easy to Avoid the Big Box Stores

PharmerDon, Inc announces the launch of the Independent Pharmacy Directory, a website to help bring independent pharmacies and consumers together. Avoiding the big box stores in favor of better service has never been easier.
The Independent Pharmacy Directory helps people avoid the big chains.
The Independent Pharmacy Directory helps people avoid the big chains.
Feb. 27, 2013 - PRLog -- About three years ago PharmerDon, Inc began cultivating the web landscape by assisting pharmacists with the development of hybrid websites for their independent pharmacy businesses. Meeting with great success in helping their clientele gain high visibility in cyberspace and particularly on the Google Search Engine, PharmerDon, a.k.a., Don Levasseur, has decided to increase his cyber ‘footprint” with the creation of a national directory of independent pharmacies late in the fourth quarter of 2012.

“There are more than 20,000 independent pharmacies located across the United States, said Levasseur, an upstate South Carolina pharmacist. “With the changing landscape of healthcare in this day and time, savvy consumers recognize they have myriad choices. While many large drugstore chains have proven their inability to truly connect with and meet the needs of the consumer, the personalized service offered at the neighborhood independent pharmacy increasingly fills the bill and the prescriptions in a timely and friendly fashion. As the actual face time with the physician becomes less, the importance of the pharmacist as your health care partner and advisor becomes more important and this is a key niche for the independents,” Levasseur explained.

As a vital link then for the independent pharmacies across the country, and a convenient and one click site for the consumer, Levasseur’s was born. “I am committed to help the independents who may lack resources, dollars or time to devote to a web presence. Our directory is easily located on the web and it features a free self service component to create a listing. The site has been designed for easy navigation thus making it simple to customize the information and even add photographs. In less than an hour it is possible for an independent pharmacy to create and complete an accurate listing. Edits can be made whenever necessary and control to change content belongs to each individual pharmacy,” Levasseur said. Additionally, for a limited time only, the site also features a premium listing option for the special introductory price of $29.95.

The website is a win-win for both the consumer and independent pharmacies across the country. The next time a prescription needs to be filled, remember the name and be sure to check out the comments section. The path to filling the next prescription in a more informed and stress free environment is simply a click away.


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