Natural Bodybuilding Supplement Firm Supports Industry Mag Choice of Schwarzenegger

polyDNA, a biotechnology firm that designed Muxscle, a scientific, all natural bodybuilding supplement, comes out in support of Arnold Schwarzenegger as new executive editor of Flex and Muscle & Fitness magazines.
Muxscle is a safe and effective bodybuilding supplement.
Muxscle is a safe and effective bodybuilding supplement.
March 6, 2013 - PRLog -- polyDNA has learned that according to the L.A. Times [1], Arnold Schwarzenegger is returning to Muscle & Fitness and Flex magazines as the executive editor of both magazines.

Since Mr. Schwarzenegger came out against anabolic steroid use in 2004, polyDNA is pleased that the former bodybuilder ( will be taking a lead role in editing two major bodybuilding magazines.

It is interesting to note that Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote about his steroid use in booklet he sold entitled “Arnold: Developing a Mr. Universe Physique” (1977):

“I will not speak for my colleagues, but I will write of my experience with tissue-building drugs. Yes, I have used them, but no, they didn’t make me what I am. Anabolic steroids were helpful to me in maintaining muscle size while on a strict diet in preparation for a contest. I did not use them for muscle growth, but rather for muscle maintenance when cutting up.” [2]

However, since then, Schwarzenegger, who was named Mr. Olympia seven times, has argued against the use of anabolic steroids. In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union with John King, Arnold said, “I think it’s important to get the message out that we should not use drugs. I think we have a certain obligation as athletes to inspire young people. When someone wins an Olympic championship or a boxing championship, whatever it may be, you’re not only a champion, but you’re also an inspirational vehicle for young kids and for people in general to stay fit, to lose weight and all of this.”

“I think that the message of not using drugs, not using alcohol, all of those things, always out there and inspire young kids. So I think there are some athletes go in that direction because there’s so much competition. I think they need to come out, be clean, and say look, I used that, I made a mistake, or whatever it is and the sports ought to be without drugs. That’s the important thing.”[2]

Millard Baker,on noted that “Arnold Schwarzenegger, as promoter of the Arnold Classic, has previously urged bodybuilding officials to crackdown on steroid use in the IFBB and called a steroid summit with leaders in the industry to institute steroid testing in the sport.” [2]

The truth is, anabolic steroids are becoming more and more well-known for their terrible side effects.

In fact, some of these effects can be permanent.

Anabolic steroids can:

* Reduce sperm count.
* Shrink the testicles.
* Cause you not to be able to father children.
* Enlarge the breasts.
* In women, anabolic steroids can:
* Increase body hair.
* Make skin rough.
* Decrease breast size.
* Enlarge the clitoris.
* Deepen the voice.

However, the public should be made aware that there are bodybuilding supplements ( on the market today that are safe and effective. Moreover, there are some bodybuilding supplements that are not steroids and that have absolutely no side effects.

For instance, polyDNA offers a unique, all natural, and SAFE bodybuilding supplement called Muxscle. This oral bodybuilding supplement is designed to help build big muscles.

Muxscle is NOT a steroid…synthetic or otherwise. The truth is, Muxscle is completely natural, and was developed after much research into the best, most effective muscle building ( and strengthening ingredients.

Although polyDNA recognizes that many people want fast results, Muxscle is not an instant fix.

Because of this, polyDNA would like to point out that safety is an important concern and that building big muscles naturally is the better options.

polyDNA explains:

Some athletes descend to using illegal anabolic steroids because they can cause one to gain muscle mass…get big muscles (…rapidly, and even when one is not actively exercising.

Yet, the downside is that once a person stops using steroids, their body goes back to its former self very quickly. In other words, the body begins to lose the muscle mass…the big muscles start shrinking. If someone wants to keep big muscles, he or she must continue to use steroids.

However, as noted above, Muxscle is not a steroid. Instead, it is a bodybuilding supplement that increases physical strength and helps one to gain bigger muscles by stimulating the signal that nerves send to muscles.

It is a dietary, bodybuilding supplement that SAFELY helps build bigger muscles ( over a period of time.

The stronger the signal the brain sends to the muscles, the stronger the muscle contraction. The stronger the muscle contraction, the faster the muscle growth.

Muxscle has been clinically tested by scientists at the Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD). The scientists found that it safely increased the overall physical strength of the participants in the study. They also found that it improved the performance of those activities that required the use of physical strength such as fitness activities and even bodybuilding workouts.

Unlike steroids, Muxscle is totally safe. A capsule of Muxscle includes 100 mg of quercetin, 150 mg of a green tea extract, 50 mg of a cinnamon extract, 25 mg of a licorice extract, and 100 mcg of selenium. The Muxscle formula is patent protected.

In addition, each bottle is GMP Certified and can be bought from the Muxscle website for just $39.95.

To learn more about Muxscle, and how it can help you build bigger, stronger muscles safely, visit

If you have a hard time fully understanding the science in reports on our website, ask your doctor to explain it to you. There is a good possibility that he (or she) already knows about it. Otherwise, we are sure that your doctor will be grateful that you brought Muxscle to his or her attention.

We suggest you take a copy of the clinical study to show to your doctor.

Click here to download a copy of the Abstract:

To schedule an interview with a polyDNA scientist, please call 585-250-9999




polyDNA is a biotechnology company that develops dietary supplements using Dr. Hanan Polansky’s scientific method. Dr. Polansky published the highly acclaimed scientific theory on the relationship between the DNA of latent (chronic) viruses and the onset of chronic disease.

polyDNA developed and is marketing Muxscle, a natural pill that increases physical strength by stimulating the signal that nerves send to muscles.
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