New Address Labels Pages For Label Planet CustomersLabel Planet announces a new set of pages on its web site to assist customers who are searching for address labels. In addition there is a spoof release included here called "address labels : the movie" which has been written for the enjoyment of label customers everywhere.
By: Label Planet Ltd NANTWICH, U.K. - March 20, 2013 - PRLog -- Announcement regarding the launch of Label Planet's new Address Labels pages on their web site
We are pleased to announce that there is a set of new web pages to assist our customers in finding the address labels they need. Address Labels are one of the most searched for types of label and our new pages help customers to locate and buy all the different types of address label. For many customers the standard sizes with a permanent adhesive is what they need for their envelopes or packages and we have selected the main sizes and put them on the new page. In addition to the standard white paper address labels we now offer the standard sizes of label in 6 colours: blue, green, yellow, red, pink and cream. To assist customers there is a specific page for these products. We also have gold and silver labels and transparent labels, these types are of particular interest for wedding invitations and mailshots. The new page has a product information section with the following text: "We currently stock five sizes of address labels; 4 per sheet (99.1 x 139mm), 8 per sheet (99.1 x 67.7mm), 14 per sheet (99.1 x 38.1mm), 21 per sheet (65.5 x 38.1mm), and 65 per sheet (38.1 x 21.2mm). These labels are supplied on A4 sheets, with rounded corners and a permanent adhesive. The most popular sizes are 21 and 14 to a sheet, although some customers prefer to use alternative sizes to better fit the items they are posting. Our 65 to a sheet are commonly used as return address labels. All of these labels come in standard sizes for address labels and templates for each can be found in most label printing software packages and utilities, although we also feature our own templates on this website for our customers to download. We supply address labels in a variety of colours and materials. The tables below indicate the colours and materials available, the relevant product codes, whether or not the labels are waterproof, printer compatibility, minimum order quantity, and a link to view more product information, prices, and to buy." In order to promote interest in our new pages one of our employees has written the following spoof release: "Address Labels: The Movie Humorous spoof release about a new movie that features address labels and the exploits of a criminal gang in the USA. Astonishingly there may be plans to make a full length movie about address labels. It will be an artistic challenge to make an interesting film about something so boring. The plot of the film will be similar to Ocean's 11 but the target for the robbers will be a label factory, which manufactures all kinds of address labels for the main carriers in the USA. By stealing the labels and labelling equipment the gang are planning to stop most parcel shipments across America in the week before Christmas. The robbers are being paid millions of dollars by one of the carrier companies whose evil owner will still have address labels and thus be able to corner the market. As one would expect in a movie of this type there have been years of planning; customers have been switched from the standard paper address labels and onto coloured and transparent address labels so they are reliant on the labels produced by the factory. Several label companies have been consulted in secret about different types of labels, surprisingly there are hundreds of sizes and materials, and companies such as Label Planet sell them online in packs of 25 sheets as well as Stikins name labels. Like Ocean's 11 there is a clever twist at the end of the movie because the robbers double cross the evil owner and make even more money by supplying address labels at hugely inflated prices to the desperate victims. The film may be released early next year, or then again it may not." The new web pages are all available to customers who are looking for their labels and label planet are also happy to supply samples for customers to try. End
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