Make it an Organic and Non GMO Easter For Our Children and Those We Love

Make it an organic Easter so children avoid GMOs/toxins in candy. Article "9 Crazy Things Pesticides Are Doing to Your Body" cites link to allergies, birth defects, autism, obesity, and diabetes. Use "Organic Treats" link
By: Smart Health Talk
REDLANDS, Calif. - March 31, 2013 - PRLog -- Easter is one of those days we throw out all the rules when it comes to treats and personally give our children more candy in one day than probably all the other days combined..

Doubt we’ll stop giving our kids treats for Easter anytime soon because it’s obvious that parents get a kick out of making our kids happy with a basket full of candy. The Easter Bunny allows us to feel that kind of love for one day per year, since we have to play the parent the rest and keep saying, “No you can’t have candy.”

So many delicious organic versions of our favorite candies and treats now exist that we don’t have to fill our children’s Easter baskets with candies containing pesticides, genetically modified organisms, GMO high fructose corn syrup, GMO artificial sweeteners, flavors, and colors, additional GMOs in the form of corn, cornstarch, and any non USDA Organic Certified oil coming from a corn, cottonseed, or soy source since 90% of these crops today are GMOs.

If somehow you have been convinced pesticides and GMOs are not in food or candies, are harmless, can be washed off, or that the significant brunt of exposure happens at the farm you would be wrong.  

It‘s easy to test urine, food, and soil for the presence of the two toxins found in GMO plants.  The genetically modified organisms produce their own special GMO poison that targets insect gut cells or Round Up Ready glycoside.  Problem is could be targeting our gut cells when we eat them.  

Forcing people to eat foods containing pesticides and GMOs designed to target and kill nerve and gut cells with a highly toxic poison and then making it illegal to do our own tests is not American.

Monsanto’s GMO seeds and Round Up Ready Glycoside Pesticide, are now more toxic than ever before according to Dr. Michael Hansen on the Smart Health Talk Radio Show.  “Pesticides are being applied in higher quantities than ever before because hundreds of pesticide resistant weeds and insects are being found in states across the country, with the highest concentration where the most pesticides/GMOs has been used.  Millions of pounds already dumped with over 60 million pounds last year.”

Don’t think highly toxic poisons are easily removed from food.  Leah Zerbe, Online Editor, Rodale Press, said this week on Smart Health Talk Radio Show, “Most pesticides do NOT wash off but are deposited in all parts of the plant and stay there even after washing.”  Leah new article “9 Crazy Things Pesticides Are Doing to Your Body” was just published by Rodal Press and lists nine diseases that can be trigged or made worse by exposure to pesticides.  

In the article she sites research supporting the connection to food allergies, memory loss, diabetes, cancer, autism and other developmental diseases, obesity, Parkinson’s, infertility, and birth defects.  

The combined impact of these diseases on our healthcare system together with the devastation to families stricken cannot be measured in just dollars even though worker productivity drops.  Considering pesticides also reduce IQ levels, our potential as a country is threatened.

Poisoning and starving the American people of real nutrition is sucking the life blood out of this country like a vampire.  Taking our strength and leaving us weak, sick, and with huge debts to pay for disease treatments and clean up or loss of our environmental treasures.  

We are in essence, giving these global biotech corporations permission to come into our bodies and deposit their DNA.

Exposure according to Leah Zerbe, is happening in many more ways that just eating food laced with pesticides and GMO organisms.  These products get into our bodies using a variety of mechanisms.  

As reported in her article and on Smart Health Talk Leah explained, “We’re understanding more how pesticides molecules are entering our bodies and triggering disease processes”  Bt toxins from GMO organisms, GMO pollen, and pesticides can travel long distances and enter our bodies through breathing passages or absorbed through skin with the highest concentrations coming directly from food.

Coupled with the infinite combination possibilities of 80,000 chemicals approved for use as additives in food, we put our bodies on the defense every time we eat.  After eating foods containing harmful toxins and foregin proteins, our bodies are forced my the present danger to spend most of it’s time and energy cleaning up and repairing the destruction instead of preventing disease.  

Most Easter candy is full of them, and the reason there is now an “Organic Treat” list on the homepage.

For children, some of our most vulnerable, risks go way up.  Safe pesticide levels are only determined for adults. Taking into consideration children eat MORE food per pound of body weight than an adult because they are growing, and during those stages of growth is when the most damage can occur, we should never be setting the same safety standard for child and adult.

Leah explained, “The timing of exposure to toxins could be critical.  There are certain stages of development of both a fetus and child where pesticide exposure could cause irreversible damage.”  Exposure could come from our own hand if we spray our yard with Round Up Ready pesticide and then let our children play there.   Pesticide entry would come from skin, lungs, and mouth if they don’t wash hands before eating or put hands in mouth.  

The corporate food war that is being fought in this country and others around the world is for complete control of the food on our plates.  Bottom line cheap food is a multi billion-dollar industry that only grows and survives if we keep buying their products.

This Easter and throughout the year, consider quality over quantity.  Spending a little more for organic treats, and giving children a little less also decreases their total pesticide load and therefore their risk of disease.  It sends the message to our children that you deserve food without poison and could help them set higher standards for themselves in other parts of their life.

Don’t give in easily.  Fight for safer choices.  When you have a choice, choose organic for you and your family.  Read labels and compare.  Get wise on how real food ingredients are replaced with cheap chemicals to increase profits.  

Use the Smart Health Talk Organic Treat list to get started.  So good, you won’t want to go back to fake food.

Smart Health Talk is a radio show based out of San Bernardino, California and broadcast on KCAA 1050 AM every Thursday at 4:00 pm PST.   Host Elaine McFadden, MPH, RD wants consumers to be educated so they can make “Smart Choices.”
Source:Smart Health Talk
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Tags:Easter Candy, Genetically Modified Organisms, Organic, Pesticides, Organic Chocolate
Industry:Food, Health
Location:Redlands - California - United States
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