Ricky Sinclair Sends Prayers Out To Amanda Knox

Ricky Sinclair, bishop of Miracle Place Church in Baker, La., sends his prayers to Amanda Knox and her family. Sinclair says, “It is not up to me to decide if she is guilty or innocent.
BAKER, La. - April 2, 2013 - PRLog -- P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }
Ricky Sinclair bishop of Miracle Place Church in Baker, La., sends his prayers to Amanda Knox and her family. Sinclair says, “It is not up to me to decide if she is guilty or innocent. Instead it’s my responsibility to pray for God to use this situation to bring her closer to Him. The courts may have the final say on what her life here on earth may hold, but God can use all things for her good if she has a relationship with Him. Her heart and belief will determine how she endures this trial and what her future for eternity will hold.”

The Bible says in Isaiah 55:7 Let wicked people abandon their ways. Let evil people abandon their thoughts. Let them return to the LORD, and he will show compassion to them. Let them return to our God, because he will freely forgive them. God wants everyone to have a chance to turn from their evil ways and be saved. It is the church’s responsibility to not cast judgment; instead we are to pray for salvation.  

Romans 3:23 states For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. The fact is that everyone is a sinner and if it wasn’t for someone taking time to share the love of Christ and the Word of God then none would be saved. Mark 2:13-17 is an example of what we are to do. Jesus sits with the tax collector and many sinners at Levi’s house while eating dinner. When a Pharisee asked why Jesus was sitting with the sinners, Jesus’ reply was “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”  

If the church does not take time for the sinners who will? Many churches do not want homosexuals, drug addicts, prostitutes, or anyone who does not fit the right image in their congregation. Miracle Place Church (http://www.miracleplacechurch.org) welcomes all people and wants everyone to feel welcome. God does not want us to wait till we are perfect; instead He wants us to come as we are with a desire to change. What if this situation is what God is using to win Amanda Knox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanda_Knox) and no one takes the opportunity to pray for her or minister to her. “I am praying for her salvation through this time of despair”, says Bishop Ricky. “I pray that someone will be sent in her path to pray with her for salvation if she does not already know God.”

Ricky Sinclair (http://www.rickysinclair.com) is the bishop of Miracle Place Church. A religious organization that provides a long list of services to the community, Miracle Place Church is cherished by its congregation and the many individuals whom they impact. Ricky Sinclair provides strong leadership to the members of the church, teaching them how to honor God and serve others while improving their relationships with Christ. Through his work, Ricky Sinclair has enhanced the lives of countless individuals, as he has assisted them in developing their spirituality and serving their Lord.
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