Oprah & Brian Weiss Past Life Regression, Reincarnation and Miracles

Dr Brian Weiss, author of Many Lives, Many Masters, discusses Reincarnation, Miracles & Past Life Regression Therapy with Oprah. Appearances such as this popularize Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis & Life Between Lives around the globe.
By: Good Vibes Hypnosis
DALLAS - June 3, 2013 - PRLog -- (Houston) Past Life Regression continues to become more popular across the country thanks to authors like Dr. Brian Weiss (Many Lives Many Masters), Dr. Michael Newton (Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls) and others such as Dick Sutphen and Dolores Cannon. The more these and others, such as film producer and author Rich Martini (Flipside the Book, Flipside the Movie) appear on Coast to Coast, Oprah and other TV shows, the more mainstream the concepts of Reincarnation, Past Lives and Near Death Experiences (NDE) become.

Second Generation Past Life Regression Therapist Mark V Johnson lives in Dallas, but spends a great deal of time traveling to other locations where he facilitates Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Life Between Lives™ Spiritual Regression. Mark began traveling to New Orleans in 2010 where he offers these sessions, but since he began traveling to Houston in 2012 he has received a welcome response from the people in and around the Houston area.

"I always enjoy traveling to Houston, the people there are fantastic and I always have very interesting sessions there," said Mark from his Dallas, Texas office. "I am not taking away anything from the other locations I visit or even Dallas, but Houston has become a very special place for me to visit for these sessions," he continued.

Mark is on his 3rd lifetime in his current incarnation, having worked as a music teacher and a programmer before he decided to specialize in Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Life Between Lives™ Spiritual Regression. He has been around hypnosis and Past Life Regression since he was young because his father was also a hypnotherapist. "Not only was Dad a Hypnotherapist, he was also facilitating Past Life Regression Therapy sessions as far back as the 1960's," added Mark.

Although he was raised as a Southern Baptist in Charleston, SC, Mark has always believed in reincarnation and past lives. "When your father is involved with things like this as far back as you can recall, it seems normal not to question the concepts of reincarnation and past life regression," he continued. Mark has found more and more people call him every year and this has especially been true over the last few weeks.

Over the past month or so Rich Martini was on Coast to Coast talking about Michael Newton and Life Between Lives™, Dolores Cannon was also on Coast to Coast talking about Quantum Healing Hypnosis and now Dr. Brian Weiss was on Oprah talking about how he got started working with Past Life Regression. "I even talked to someone today who said she called because she saw the Long Island Medium go to a Past Life Regression Therapist on her show recently," said Mark.

Dr. Brian Weiss shared the story of Catherine, his patient that is featured in his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, with Oprah and discussed his beginnings in this work. Dr. Weiss shared details of many of Catherine's lifetimes as well as details about himself that were shared by the Ascended Masters who visited his client when she was between lifetimes during her sessions with Dr. Weiss.

Mark has studied with Dr. Brian Weiss, Dr. Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon, Dick Sutphen and Paul Aurand and he also learned a great deal about hypnosis and Past Life Regression from his father. He sees clients in his Dallas office and also travels to Houston, New Orleans, Atlanta, Oklahoma City, Arkansas and Charleston, SC for Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Life Between Lives™ Spiritual Regression sessions. He also teaches Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy as well as Past Life Regression Therapy in Dallas, Houston and Atlanta.

Find out about Past Life Regression and his upcoming travels on his Past Life Regression website: http://pastliferegressiondallas.com
Source:Good Vibes Hypnosis
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Tags:Past Life Regression, Houston, New Orleans, Dallas, Atlanta
Industry:Past Lives
Location:Dallas - Texas - United States
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