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Follow on Google News | Preparing for Summer in AustinSummer is almost here in Austin. What does it mean for you and your family and how can you stay cool and comfortable all season long?
By: ABA Austin May: 86.4°F June: 92°F July: 95.4°F August: 96.9°F However, all Austinites know that the summer temperatures have a tendency to vary somewhat above the averages. In 2012, the hottest day on record was 104°F. The hottest recorded temperature ever in the city was 112°F on September 5th, 2000. The hottest month of the year in 2012 was August. Although last summer in Austin was rough, nothing has yet to top the warm spell in 2011 when there were over 69 days of temperatures over 100°F. Typically, Austin will see around 12 days over 100°F each summer, but each summer seems to get hotter and hotter. Heat Deaths and Caring for Children and the Elderly With so many days of hot, scorching heat, it's no wonder that many Austin citizens become sick or even die as a result. Nearby in Houston, there were 14 deaths in recent years from the heat, and many other reported cases of heat strokes and medical conditions caused from the sizzling temperatures. These high temperatures don't just effect humans, they can also have a huge impact on pets. What can one do to prepare for the summer heat in Austin? It's important that you stay cool, hydrated, and comfortable. Special attention will need to be paid to the elderly and small children. If you have older neighbors or relatives, make sure that they have a working air conditioner in their home, and make sure that they know how to use it. So many times, seniors have an AC system installed, but they don't know how to turn it on or how to adjust the temperature. It will only take a few minutes of your time to check up on them and make sure they are staying cool and comfortable in their home. Also, be sure that your children drink water - not carbonated beverages or sugary fruit drinks. By doing so, you can help them to stay hydrated while at school or while at play. Limit their exposure to the sun and be sure that they take regular breaks from playing outside. Maintain and Repair Your Air Conditioner For yourself and your family, be sure that you have a working air conditioner. Even if you don't have the latest model available, be sure that it's regularly maintained so that it's working at its optimum levels when those hot summer temps arrive. Air conditioner maintenance is simple for AC contractors in the area, and they'll also be sure to take care of any repair work that you may need. Fast AC repairs and maintenance are all that's really needed to keep this HVAC system running for many years to come in your Austin home. Tips for Staying Cool in the Austin Heat Below are some tips to follow to help you and your family stay cool and beat the summer heat: 1. Hydrate. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after any kind of physical activity. Stay away from sodas and juices which have sugar and other additives. 2. Dress appropriately. Avoid darker colors and heavy clothing. Be sure you wear a hat and apply sunscreen regularly if you will be outside for extended periods of time. 3. Go inside. If you are starting to feel dizzy, weak, or nauseous, get inside as soon as possible. These are warning signs of a heat stroke. Contact 911 if the problems worsen or don't go away. 4. Indoor activities. Go see a movie with the kids, play sports at your local YMCA, do arts and crafts inside your home. Avoid exposure to the heat as much as possible. When you stick to these guidelines and make sure that you keep your air conditioner in good working order, you and your family will be cool and comfortable all summer long! End
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