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By: An Example of John has a guitar he never uses and needs to make some quick cash! He goes to and creates a free account and within minutes he has his guitar in EVERY single City, State, and Country around the world and not just 1 place. How is this different and important? John just saved hours of time going through a 5 minute process to sell his guitar online in every City and State in the USA. Where else can you do this for free and this fast? You can open your product or service up to larger areas of the World and do it so quickly and easily. Do you have a Job you want to Post, Service/Product but you are tired of putting it everywhere with such a hassle and too much time spent? With RockysAList you can Post ads to multiple Cities, States and All Countries with 1 CLICK & No Need for setting up Multiple Email Addresses or Going through a Difficult Log in or Verification Processes! Get your own Account and an Editable Record of your Products, Jobs, and or Services that you have listed FREE on our site! You are Not limited on your description lengths, images, posting material, and most importantly you are Not limited to which City, State or Country you send! has Absolutely NO limitations and you DO NOT have to change the wording in any of your posts! POST the Same Cell Phone, Couch, Car, Motorcycle, or Job Offering, etc… to EVERY CITY, STATE and COUNTRY with 1 CLICK! • Post multiple pictures without charges! • Post the Same Ad Over and Over again with NO expiration! • Alter the Content And/ Or images of a Post and Repost it without redoing the entire Post! • Post to All Cities, States, and Countries in 1 Click • No Complicated Log in and Sign up Process – Takes less than 30 seconds • Post Anything from Boats, Cars, Pictures, Trailers, Cups, Plates, Jobs • Memorabilia, Job Offerings and even your companies SERVICES to gain more exposure! *We allow hyperlinks in our posts so get Backlinks for all you SEO’s out there! Looking for A Job? (If you would like to be a part of or are looking for a position with the company as we are currently seeking to hire, you can e-mail us at Rockysalist@ Photos: End