"Ticket on a Crippled Crab" (A Dark Comedy) Available for Free on Amazon for a Limited TimeHitch a ride on the heels of an egotistical screwball with a criminal streak running down his spine, right next to the yellow one.
By: Wise Media Group Download your complimentary copy of Ticket on a Crippled Crab from Amazon by visiting http://www.amazon.com/ Sample Funny when you find yourself in a spot like this, looking back over your whole life like a sailor in the crowʹs nest, over a vanishing wake, and nothing pleasing to look at. Just a lot of foam and fish heads, a corpse or two bobbing around, until thereʹs not even that and the darkness closes in and takes everything but the ass‐end of horizons. Finally it takes those too! I donʹt think I can stand much more. About the Author Robert Kettering divides his time between the U.S.A. and France. In the States, his time fragments among shopping malls, television stations and the humor website www.dearprofessorknowledge.com, whereas in France, life is simpler, usually apportioned more or less equally between the café on the corner and the one down the street. Over the years, he has hobnobbed with many famous literary figures, and enjoys dropping names and telling stories about these illustrious characters. Samuel Beckett, for example, was a drinking buddy of his for several months without Mr. Kettering being aware of Sam's full name, literary achievements or their mutual eminence. He did most of the talking and all of the bragging. Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End