New website,, to Focus on Bass Fishing at Lake of the OzarksNew online community that offers valuable membership benefits for bass fishermen of all levels
By: Marketing Xperience LLC Bueltmann drafted several business plans, including one for a window-cleaning service and another for a full-service concierge business. However, as an avid bass fisherman, that old saying kept coming to mind: “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”. With that phrase in mind, said Bob, “I kept coming back to the idea of creating a business that would benefit bass fishermen who fish Lake of the Ozarks. I hoped that others could benefit from my daily fishing experiences and the experiences of some of the lake’s expert bass fishermen.” After several days of research, Bob realized there was no single informational source dedicated solely to bass fishing at Lake of the Ozarks and thus, was born. For only $45 a year, beginners, vacationers, weekend anglers and tournament fishermen will have access to interactive Lake of the Ozarks maps, daily fishing reports with photos and videos, expert tips and how-to-articles, photos and photo-sharing capabilities, a community forum, and many other bass fishing resources. “I’m excited about launching the Lake of the Ozarks’ only website that will have current fishing reports and tips from local experts based on season and conditions,” In addition to an extensive members-only area, the website will feature information, available at no cost, which bass fishermen can use to help them plan ahead for their Lake of the Ozarks fishing trip. Bueltmann’s idea of a comprehensive website devoted solely to bass fishing at Lake of the Ozarks,, has now been developed. The website, to be launched at a private reception and ribbon cutting ceremony at Willmore Lodge, #1 Willmore Lane, Lake Ozark, MO at 6:45pm on Wednesday, June 26th, will be available to avid bass fishermen nationwide on July 1, 2013. About is an online community that offers valuable membership benefits for bass fishermen of all levels including detailed Lake of the Ozarks fishing logs describing baits used, water and weather conditions, and locations all archived on the website to provide members with year-round bass fishing information. For further information and complete details, please visit Photos: End
Page Updated Last on: Jun 25, 2013