Unemployed? is it something you said? Jeffrey J. Halperin has the answers
Ever wonder why you didn't get the job, even though you were more qualified than the other candidates who was awarded the job? The deciding factor was in the interview process, it's what you didn't do that cost you the job, we teach you how to win.
By: Josh Steinbeck, Shelly Butterball
WINTER PARK, Fla. - July 16, 2013 - PRLog -- Unemployment is at an all time high, jobs are very difficult at best to land, after pounding the pavement and sending out your resumes. You finally get the call for the job, excited, you tell your loved ones hoping you land the job so you can change your life. You are granted an interview and things look good, the interviewer gives you that "you look like you would be a great fit welcome" after your interview is over. You go home, wait for the call, the days become weeks, and finally you realized you are not getting the job. Is it your qualifications? No...Is it your race? No....then what is it? Jeffrey J. Halperin has spent a lifetime figuring out why we fail to get the job in interviews. He also has found out what employers like and what they don't like from potential candidates. Having this knowledge which you will learn in his book will give you the edge in life over the person competing for the job. When it comes to getting the job, the interview is your final test. If you do not pass the interview, you will not be hired. Jeffrey has over 4 decades of experience in helping you land the job the first time. Do you know you can change the outlook of the employer and make your interview memorable even days after the employer has finished interviewing you?. You can use the techiques in "The Art Of Selling You, and the Art of Living" to land the job. Giving you an edge over those who are more qualified than you. Jobs are at a premium, you have to be armed and ready with knowing what to do, and what not to do in an interview. Research have shown that those who use the techniques in Jeffrey's book are 90% more apt to get employed. Many of you will find out that you are in fact doing some of the things that bother employers in the interview process. This is a journey of discovery, it comes with a manual, many people are still failing to land the job. The rules do not change, Jeffrey teaches you how to avoid the pitfalls that keep people from landing the job. Remember you are in competition with everyone for a job, you have one chance. Your family depends on you to bring home income and provide stability. Arming yourself with the winning techniques during your interview puts you in a golden position to be selected for the job. When you read Jeffrey's book you will notice things that you have done that WILL BE "AHH HUH MOMENTS" it will help you understand and avoid the same mistakes in your interview so you can actually land the job. A job means you do not have to stress out about life, why not learn what employers look for and what causes them to reject you. Learn the winning techniques and avoid the pitfalls and you will be on your way to a new future and job sooner than you expected. Jeffrey teaches you how to win, certain skill sets work, and they work everytime, use them and get your edge in life. Click on the link to order your book immediately, you owe it to yourself to see what employers don't like about candidates, and use it to apply the skills that employers love about candidates. Remember, its not you, its what you are doing in your interview that is keeping you unemployed. We teach you how to sell yourself and win in the interview. You must avoid the pitfalls we warn you about and you must apply what we teach you in order to land your next job over the competition, Jeffrey J Halperin is your winning edge.
Testimonials L.D.Y "Using Jeffrey's techniques in the Art of Selling, I became the first person in the history of my company to be promoted from an Event Specialist to a District Manager for Advantage Sales and Marketing, I am also hiring, I need about 30 people so if you are looking for work email me, I look for the same skills that Jeffrey teaches in his book. Don't make the mistakes everyone else makes, if you do, I promise you won't be hired" Email info@youredgeinlife.com
Mark V. "I ordered the book for my college educated son, he lost out on jobs to people without degrees, after he read the book, he called me in the room and pointed out what he was doing wrong in job interviews, now he will learn the skills taught by Jeffrey to land a great job, its all about selling yourself and making a lasting impression"
Shelia Freeman "I am thrilled, I learned so much about what to do and what not to do, how to sell yourself and what to avoid in job interviews, this book is amazing and a great help, I clearly see the mistakes I was making in job interviews."