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Follow on Google News | Hong Kong Burial Space Seriously LowIn Hong Kong, it can be hard just finding somewhere to sit down. The fourth most densely populated place in the world, the city sees its park benches packed while strangers share restaurant tables.
The alternatives offered by the government have failed to take pressure off the system. There are sea scatterings and ash burials in public gardens, but longstanding tradition prevents most families from taking up these space-saving solutions. "My husband didn't say much," says Wong's 75-year-old mother, Oi Tak-lo. "But he did say that he didn't want a sea burial. The older generation won't agree with it." Hong Kong's population of 7 million is aging fast. In 2008, 12% of the population was over the age of 65; by 2036, that number will rise to 26%. The city's death rate has doubled since 1970, leaving the entire funeral industry scrambling to cope with the rising demand. The Government's charges for a six-year plot are $5,940 compared with an average of $220,000 for a permanent grave in one of the private cemeteries. 'Only the rich can afford it. And when you buy a grave for $220,000, you have to buy a very expensive coffin to go with it,' said Mr Chan. “The situation is not so bad in the United Kingdom, we are rapidly running out of space in areas but fortunately private funded cemeteries ( FJP Investment provides Investors with strong, sustainable and safe asset based investments, through 1st class intelligent advice. “With the launch of our cemetery investment ( End
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