![]() Document Storage Systems, Inc. Will Donate the DSS vxPatient Picture Extension to OSEHRAAs a major sponsor of the Open Source Electronic Health Record (EHR) Community, DSS is pleased to release the DSS vxPatient Picture Extension to the Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent (OSEHRA) via the Apache 2.0 Open Source license. This tool assists providers in meeting the National Patient Safety Goal to correctly identify patients.
JUNO BEACH, Fla. - Sept. 3, 2013 - PRLog -- As a major sponsor of the Open Source Electronic Health Record (EHR) Community, DSS is pleased to release the DSS vxPatient Picture Extension to the Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent (OSEHRA) via the Apache 2.0 Open Source license. This tool assists providers in meeting the National Patient Safety Goal to correctly identify patients by capturing a patient’s picture and attaching it to their patient file for easy identification validations and verification. DSS will be providing a sneak peek of the vxPatient Picture Tool via demonstrations at the 2nd Annual OSEHRA Summit, in Bethesda Maryland, September 4-6.
DSS developed the vxPatient Picture as a graphical user interface to provide a simple patient picture capture process that will improve patient safety at the first stage of patient encounter by providing a photo of the patient, so that the healthcare providers and staff can ensure that they are treating or dealing with the correct patient. Unlike other systems that do not capture the patient’s image, vxPatient Picture will provide an extra layer of validation and verification and improve the quality of care for patients. Donating and enhancing open source functionalities help support the OSEHRA business model by promoting collaboration and a strong partnership between the vendor community and VA. Community and Vendor engagement is essential to the success of the Open Source EHR Initiative and VistA Extensions development. “For 20 years, DSS has been committed to improving patient care and accelerating VistA EHR innovation. We hope the donation of the DSS vxPatient Picture Tool as an Open Source license will further this innovation, and promote the importance of government and private company collaboration,” The DSS vxPatient Picture tool is expected to improve direct patient care, safety, and quality. Providers will have new patient identification functionality that will help meet National Patient Safety Goals. To learn more and see a demonstration of the DSS vxPatient Picture Tool, visit the booth of DSS, Platinum Sponsor, of the 2nd Annual OSEHRA Summit from September 4-6, in Bethesda, Maryland or visit The VistA Extensions Hub. About OSEHRA OSEHRA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating innovation in electronic health record software and related technology. Founded in 2011, the organization supports an open, collaborative community of users, developers, and researchers engaged in advancing electronic health record software and related health information technology. OSEHRA hosts software repositories for applications such as the Department of Veterans Affairs’ VistA electronic health record. About Document Storage Systems, Inc. (DSS) DSS develops and supplies integrated enhancements to the Veterans Affairs VistA system and specializes in healthcare IT solutions that improve quality and productivity. The organization also designs applications that are compatible with the Indian Health Services RPMS, the Department of Defense’s healthcare systems and vxVistA. To foster the adoption of open source in healthcare organizations, DSS is a founder and supporter of a community-driven, collaboration environment Web site, The VistA Extension Hub (www.ThevxHub.org) that acts as a forum for discussion and best practices among Open Source vxVistA and VistA users. For more information on DSS, visit www.dssinc.com. End