"Mathius" - a Novel by Cheryl Pillsbury

~I dedicate this book to Mr. Stuart Townsend for the inspired story, and my daughter Alicia, my lifeline, and to the Gods and Goddesses, Blessed Be.~
"Mathius" - a Novel by Cheryl Pillsbury
"Mathius" - a Novel by Cheryl Pillsbury
Sept. 4, 2013 - PRLog -- Stuart Townsend is the inspiration for Mathius; his soft manner, with his seductive body moves, with his voice inspired this story. His role of Lestat from Queen of the Damns, my favorite movie from Anne Rice, a woman and author I greatly admire, showed him in the vampire role which he was brilliant in and in which he should do more.


Penumbral Full Moon, when two full moons appear in the same month, the moon passes exclusively within the earth’s penumbra very rare, the moon darkens as it darkens the earth, no stars, no sunlight or moonlight. But in August of 2013 it will be two Blue Full Moons for this myth to take place, myth or fact, you decide. It is written that when a month contains two full moons it’s rare, but is so unique about this set coming in August of 2013, two blue full moons. The first a warrior of the Gods and Goddesses will return to claim the light blue quartz crystal to maintain what exists but if the evil one was to return and claim the crystal, all life will be lost and dark horrid days will take over and destroy all purity.

Mathius, the purity from the Gods and the Goddesses, must return for the crystal. It was discovered by a human man, Miles Sayer, an explorer and astrologist, who discovered the crystal and took to his place of business for display; but he is unaware of the power it holds and if left alone what it could do if not hidden away. Mathius will find Miles and the crystal and together they must preserve life and put Oswyn, the evil one, back where he belongs or destroy him; so life, the Gods and Goddesses will be safe for all eternity.

Miles assist and love interest is tutoring a student who wishes to perform the ritual, not knowing why he must know but later she learns and informs Miles and Mathius to end it or so they hope to. The ritual contains one young virgin male to perform this ritual to bring the evil one 13 days before the second blue moon for him to succeed; Mathius has from the night of the first blue to the second to end it.

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Tags:Magic, Eroticism, Good Vs. Evil, SF & Fantasy
Industry:Publishing, Books
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