Author and motivational speaker Claudette Milner is currently booking Workshops for 2014Author Claudette Milner is currently booking workshops for 2014 from her current release "The Rejuvenation of the Church": Meeting the Needs of our Youth Guide and Workbook. The workshops were created for youth workers, youth, youth ministers and parents.
By: Mentoring Youth for Christ WORKSHOPS INCLUDE: DO NOT GET IT TWISTED Objective: 1. Define the word whosoever according to our definition. 2. Confront our individual bias toward individuals we feel are unworthy of God’s love. Goal: 1. Define whosoever as used in John 3:16 WAKE UP PARENTS: WE ARE AT WAR OBJECTIVE: 1. Examine the role of parents in preparing their children for the world. 2. Identify characteristics that prophecy failure over your children. 3. Define the characteristics of a good parent. GOAL: Provide instruction that will assist parents in rearing their children in a Godly home YOUTH WAKE UP: YOU ARE AT WAR OBJECTIVE 1. Define what it means to live in the image of God. 2. List the steps one must take to protect you with the armor of God. Goal:1. Be able to prepare a plan of worship, praise, prayer and reading of the word in order to live in the image of God. BUILDING A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD OBJECTIVE: 1. Examine our current relationship with God 2. Learn the steps to building a relationship with God. Goal: Implement the 5 steps in building a relationship with God. BUILDING A FAMILY WITH GOD Objective: 1. Learn to seek God’s guidance in making decisions for our family. 2. Build a family relationship that includes prayer, praise, and reading of the word. Goal: Use the steps to building a relationship with God as a framework for building your family with God. GOD’S DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN Iidenify your gift, Claim it and Begin Your Ministry OBJECTIVE: 1. Identify Your Gifts 2. Dedicate Your Gifts to God 3. Plan Your Ministry Goal: To be able to identify your gifts and prepare a plan for your ministry. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father WHEN GOD SPEAKS: HOW WILL YOU ACT? OBJECTIVE: 1. Understand how God’s task for your life affects others. 2. Learning to hear the word of God through the Holy Spirit. Goal: Hearing the Voice of God and being Obedient. FINDING ANSWERS FROM GOD TODAY OBJECTIVE: 1. Learning how to find answers from the Bible. 2. Utilizing the Bible in your everyday life. GOAL: Make the Bible the encyclopedia for your life. FINDING ANSWERS FROM GOD TODAY OBJECTIVE: 1. Learning how to find answers from the Bible. 2. Utilizing the Bible in your everyday life. GOAL: Make the Bible the encyclopedia for your life. Workshops are available to all youth organizations, parents, and youth ministries. Workshops are now available for 2014. "The Rejuvenation of the Church": Neeting the Needs of our Youth Guide and Workbook is now available on All queries can be made through my contact form on my website or email to mentoringyouthforchrist@ Photo: End
Page Updated Last on: Sep 17, 2013