The CAD CaniVIZ 3D viewer now compatible with the 3Dconnexion SpaceMouses®The CaniVIZ 3D viewers now work with the SpaceMouses® from 3Dconnexion to provide an enhanced user experience. On this occasion, a special discount of 10% is proposed for the Light and Pro versions on Apple Store, Linux Ubuntu Store and CaniVIZ Store (Windows, Mac, Linux).
By: Andéor, SAS The 3D viewer The CaniVIZ 3D viewers target the AEC, mechanical and communication markets with an affordable tool, easy to use and very powerful. The new version of the softwares fully supports the 3Dconnexion SpaceMouses. The user can easily control the position of the view in the 3D scene, or the position of objects. CaniVIZ can open major CAD file formats such as STEP, STL, and with additional modules, Dassault System Catia®, AutoCAD DWG®. Informations CaniVIZ Pro, Light, Free : $189, $79.99, $12.99 Version: 1.1.7 Systems: Windows, Mac, Linux, 32 and 64 bits Availability: 3Dconnexion: Contact Andéor, SAS Andéor, SAS – 520 295 643 R.C.S. Nice 71, avenue de la Lanterne – 06200 – Nice – France Photos: End
Page Updated Last on: Oct 21, 2013