Christmas Day 2013 Could Be Violent, Argumentative, Warns AstrologerAn Australian astrologer explains why tough astrological aspects suggest you should host your friends and family holiday celebrations on Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day 2013
By: It's In The Stars Pty Ltd Nov. 17, 2013 - PRLog -- Many families argue, and Christmas can force those with nothing in common together, but an Australian astrologer says she hasn't seen a Christmas Day with such tough stars since 2009.
Elizabeth Ball, astrologer at It's In The Stars, has seen the aspects for 2013 and fears they could make Christmas an unhappy occasion this year for too many families trying to keep the peace. "I'd urge you to reconsider moving your celebrations for Christmas Eve on 24 December," Elizabeth Ball said. "On Christmas Day, the God of War, Mars, is in Libra, which rules relationships, makes a tough opposition to rebellious, impatient, unconventional Uranus in Aries which is all about ego and selfishness when it is negatively aspected. Not only that, Mars is gearing up to fight with Pluto (taboos, secret issues, control) and Mercury (expression, communication) Elizabeth Ball explains these astrological aspects are a cosmic recipe for making people angry, impatient, ungrateful, resentful and inconsiderate of each other. "It could even break out violence among certain, short-fused family members and friends. People who want to do their own thing - such as teenagers! - will be seen as self-centred and in line to be punished, while those who do want to bring everyone together will be seen as controlling and inflexible. Bad gifts are the least of the issues possible today!" Elizabeth Ball said. In contrast, Christmas Eve on 24 December has a sweet-natured, accommodating feel about it with a gorgeous, forgiving Sun-Neptune sextile. "Seeing your family then and not on 25 December, could neatly avoid rising tensions," Elizabeth Ball said. The last disappointing Christmas Day from an astrological perspective was in 2009 when the Sun squared Saturn, making older people particularly grumpy, cynical, pessimistic and disapproving. In contrast, last year's Christmas Day had a refreshing, fun mood to it with a Sun-Uranus sextile on 25 December. Even the potentially pessimistic Mercury-Saturn same-day square was easily offset by the generosity and good humour of the next major aspect, the Sun-Jupiter trine on 26 December 2012. She mentions that families who cannot or will not change their celebrations from 25 December 2013 to Christmas Eve, may be in luck. "If you do have all-out war on your hands, there is another lovely Mercury-Neptune sextile on 26 December to swap apologies," Elizabeth Ball said. ##### It's In The Stars at has been delighting people since 2005 with its insightful astrology reports, readings and gift ideas for anniversaries, babies, birthdays, christenings, Christmas, engagements, Mothers Day, Valentines Day and weddings. The free 2014 horoscope forecast for all Sun signs will be available from 15 December 2013. End
Page Updated Last on: Nov 18, 2013