Bee Experts, Randy Oliver and Walter Haefeker To Discuss Neonicotinoids and Bee Losses

Bee experts Randy Oliver and Walter Haefeker discuss neonicotinoids and the impact on global bee losses on The Organic View Radio Show, hosted by June Stoyer on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 at 12 PM Eastern.
June Stoyer hosts a discussion with Randy Oliver & Walter Haefeker
June Stoyer hosts a discussion with Randy Oliver & Walter Haefeker
Dec. 17, 2013 - PRLog -- New York— Bee experts, Randy Oliver and Walter Haefeker, will engage in a discussion about  neonicotinoids and honeybee losses on The Organic View Radio Show,  hosted by June Stoyer, on Wednesday, December 18, 2013 at 12 PM Eastern.

Randy Oliver owns and operates a small commercial beekeeping enterprise in the foothills of Grass Valley in Northern California. He and his two sons manage about 1000 colonies for migratory pollination, and produce queens, nucs, and honey.  He has over 40 years of practical beekeeping experience, plus holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Biological Sciences.  Randy researches, analyzes, and digests beekeeping information from all over the world in order to not only broaden his own depth of understanding and knowledge, but to develop practical solutions to many of today's beekeeping problems, which he then shares with other beekeepers through his various articles in bee magazines, his speaking engagements worldwide, and on his website:

Walter Haefeker is a professional beekeeper and has been serving as President of the European Professional Beekeepers Association (EPBA) since 2008 as well as on the Board of Directors of the German Professional Beekeepers Association (DBIB) since 2004 and is the coordinator of the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations (Apimondia) Working Group 10 on GMOs and the impact on the beekeeping sector. Walter Haefeker is the author of numerous articles on coexistence between beekeeping and GMO cultivation.

Neonicotinoids are defined by the EPA as a class of insecticides with a common mode of action that affects the central nervous system of insects, causing paralysis and death. All of the neonicotinoids were registered after 1984 and were not subject to reregistration. Some uncertainties have been identified since their initial registration regarding the potential environmental fate and effects of neonicotinoid pesticides, particularly as they relate to pollinators. Data suggests that neonicotinic residues can accumulate in pollen and nectar of treated plants and may represent a potential exposure to pollinators. Adverse effects data as well as bee kill incidents have also been reported, highlighting the potential direct and/or indirect effects of neonicotinic pesticides. Therefore, among other refinements to ecological risk assessment during registration review, the Agency will consider potential effects of the neonicotinoids to honeybees and other pollinating insects.

Neonicotinoid pesticides have been a key concern for global bee losses. According to statistics from beekeeping groups, the United States may have lost up to 70% of its commercial honeybees even though the antiquated statistics from agency officials claim a 30% estimate of losses. As of December 1, 2013, the European Commission, has restricted the use of three neonicotinoids: clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam, for a period of two years. Commercial beekeepers and environmental groups continue to demand a ban in the United States for several years.

“When you can have a reasonable discussion about something as controversial as neonicotinoids, only then can we begin the process of implementing the necessary changes,” said June Stoyer, Executive Producer of the show.

The live, internet talk-radio show will stream from The Organic View’s host page at An archive will be available at or listeners can subscribe to the show’s RSS feed located at All podcasts are also available for download on all major providers such as iTunes and Zune. Read more about the host and the discussion on The Organic View’s website at

The Organic View Radio Show has a global audience of over three million listeners and has also been named one of the top 50 Most Influential Sites on Sustainability by (the leading website for social media transparency) after conducting an extensive social media datamine, which included every Twitter post dating back to 2008, posts on Facebook, and 40 million blogs and forums. June Stoyer is a journalist and the Executive Producer of The Organic View Radio Show, The Clean Energy View Radio Show, The Neonicotinoid View, co-hosted by Tom Theobald and producer of The NLP View Radio Show, hosted by Donna Blinston, RN. Social Media Measurement expert and CEO, of’s Andrew Grill also announced that June Stoyer is in the top 1% of Influencers. Sparkah Business Strategy also listed June Stoyer as number 4 in the Top 100 Clean Energy Blogs and Industry Innovators 2013 by Robert Kim. (Mr. Kim’s lists appear in places like Forbes.)  June Stoyer has also been named one of the top 10 food activists worth following on Twitter by New Hope 360. Please visit: for more information.

All shows are available for download on iTunes, Youtube and Zune. Read more about the host and the featured guests on The Organic View’s website at

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