Trivie Named Top Entertainment “Hot App” by Good Housekeeping MagazineGH Editors List Trivie in January, 2014 “Good Life.” Trivia app entertains and educates. "With friends" play is perfect for travelers, families, and holiday downtime.
By: Trivie Good Housekeeping, a Hearst Corporation flagship publication, is synonymous with quality. Lawrence Schwartz, Trivie’s CEO says this about the magazine feature, “We are flattered and humbled to be recognized with a ‘seal of approval’ from the trusted editors of Good Housekeeping.” In addition, Good Housekeeping is widely recognized as a family-friendly resource. Schwartz says, “We set out to develop a game that begins with the premise of playing with friends, family, and the ability to meet new players. Trivie is informational and is appealing across generations.” Thousands of new apps launch daily. Trivie has an immense and loyal community of players, and continues to grow. Shortly after launching in 2012, Trivie outpaced digital giants such as Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr in downloads with over 1M in under 5 months. To date, Trivie has almost 3M downloads, which translates to over 20M games played. Trivie is, as Good Housekeeping notes, free, and a frictionless (no ad) version of the game is available at the App Store and Google Play for $1.99. As 2013 winds down, Trivie is warming up. This past year, Trivie has rolled out dozens of new games featuring exclusive and officially licensed content from entertainment brands such as Dreamworks, Fox, CBS, Sony, etc. Trivie’ For more information on Trivie: · Trive online: · Trivie on Facebook: · Trivie on Pinterest: · Trivie on YouTube: End