![]() Are You Asking How To Advertise My Local Business Online 2014?By: Yellowicons.com Let me tell you a little story about Yellow Icons. Now, as any entrepreneur knows, it’s surely great to have a start-up idea, however most of the time, your idea is a pre-validated concept against tomorrow’s technology (web browsers, devices etc) and user adoption. Let’s take Yellow Icons for instance, way back in Year 2000 they registered their domain and launched Version 1 of their website. Now, compared to the websites of today it looks like a little kindergarten kid could have developed something more visually stimulating. Why? As mentioned above, it’s due to lack of available tools, web resources and of course the right timing. Ok, so over the last 10 years we’ve had Apple dominate the mobile market and introduce new exciting and fresh ways to use our devices, all by a simple but proven icon driven interface, after which we had some fast followers such as Samsung and Nokia who have jumped on board and picking up some major market share. Now that little explanations out of the road. Perhaps Yellow Icon’s new launch has been post validated by the success of Apple’s icon driven interface and user adoption? Maybe, now is the time their slick, stylish user interface www.yellowicons.com will offer users another way they both search business and advertise business online. If you ask me, their website offers a simple icon driven menu displayed on the left hand side, and visibly attractive if you ask me. As you well know, just having a nice looking, and simple user interface is just the surface of any successful start-up and I’m sure many tweaks and modifications will be made over time based on user experiences feedback. But now, I think Yellow Icons have done a pretty good job in providing users a wide range of business listings covering across Australia, New Zealand and United States. Visually impressive, you can see results for Italian Restaurants Sydney which, come on looks very colourful and informative. If you want more information on these businesses, you can run your mouse over each title for a little business description on each business, or just click the business and it will open a new page, accompanied with many features. Features, simplicity and user experience. What more could you want? Now, after you click on the business listing details page and really nice to see plenty of information regards to the business such as phone, location on a map and a few clickable related business images down below. For this example we chose Frankie’s Pizza Sydney. Hola, shout out to you guys. Now, the reason why I picked Frankie’s Pizza was not because it was just the first result on Yellow Icons Search Page but seriously look at that Pizza, it looks so delicious. Some features; - SMS business details to your mobile in quite a few countries. - Scroll through some decent related images of the business. - View similar related businesses on the sidebar (great and handy navigation features). - Lookup business in search giant Google. - Inform yourself with Yelp ratings for just about every business. Overall, Yellowicons.com has provided a substantial user experience and I definitely found that Pizza Restaurant in Sydney that I’ll pay a visit to next weekend. Very promising alternative to standard search engines and those yucky text bases business directories, and a big hats off to Yellow Icons, as I’ll definitely be back to find more businesses next time. Not to forget, if you have a local business and want to advertise online, best pay them a visit as they offer a free and paid small monthly charge for premium listings depending on your budget. Visit www.yellowicons.com Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End