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Follow on Google News | Military Women Show Risky Sexual BehaviorpolyDNA urges military healthcare providers to recommend Gene-Eden-VIR, an HPV remedy, to infected service women.
By: polyDNA Vinita Goyal, MD, said, “These high-risk sexual practices likely contribute to chlamydia infection rates that are higher than the rates in the general U.S. population. Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical dysplasia may also be higher among young, active duty servicewomen." polyDNA believes this is relevant information for active duty service women as well as military healthcare providers. The study also found the following alarming statistics: The rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are seven times higher for military women than civilian women. Only 33% of sexually active unmarried active duty military women reported using condoms during last intercourse. Nearly 60% reported having more than one sexual partner within the last year. A separate study revealed that 27% of servicewomen surveyed reported more than one partner in the previous 90 days. In that group, only 17% reported that her partner always wore a condom. In a survey of Army recruits, 33% of female respondents reported binge drinking in the previous month, as compared with 6 to 7% of women in the general US population. Binge drinking is associated with unsafe sexual practices and unwanted sexual activity among female military personnel. Thirty-one percent of female Marine Corps recruits reported having sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs in the previous three months. What does this mean for service women and their healthcare providers? For those women that engage in risky sexual behavior, infection with the human papillomavirus (http://www.gene- Thus, service women have two options. They can choose to change their behavior or they can choose to work towards preventing an HPV infection. For instance, the CDC notes that “People can also lower their chances of getting HPV by being in a faithful relationship with one partner; limiting their number of sex partners; and being with a partner who has had no or few prior sex partners.” [2] For those that do not change their sexual behavior, there are a few other methods of preventing HPV. The method most seen in the media is the HPV vaccine. There are actually two HPV vaccines (Cervarix and Gardasil). Of these two vaccines, Gardasil is designed to protect against more strains than Cervarix. [2] But, what about those who are already infected with HPV? For these women, neither vaccine will do anything for them. In fact, once a person is infected the only treatment is for the symptoms which the virus causes. There is no medication on the market that fights the virus itself. However, polyDNA would like to point out that the body’s own immune system fights the HPV virus effectively in over 90% of cases with absolutely no medical intervention of any kind. [3] In those people that do develop HPV symptoms, one can boost the immune system against the latent virus. polyDNA urges military health care providers to be more attuned to the reproductive healthcare of the growing body of females in the service that may already be infected with HPV. One way military healthcare providers can do that is by recommending Gene-Eden-VIR to military service women. Gene-Eden-VIR is an all natural, scientifically designed HPV remedy (http://www.gene- That HPV remedy is called Gene-Eden-VIR. In a post marketing study, Gene-Eden-VIR was shown to be a safe and effective antiviral against the HPV. “The key to your health is to reduce the level of the latent viruses in your body to harmless levels.” – Dr. Hanan Polansky Gene-Eden-VIR is the only scientifically based, all natural, herbal supplement with scientific studies published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. People can easily access these scientific papers on the ingredients of Gene-Eden-VIR on It has been specifically designed and formulated to boost the body's own immune system to counter many of the latent viruses of today, including the HPV virus (http://www.gene- Each ingredient was chosen through a scientific approach. polyDNA scientists scanned thousands of scientific and medical papers published in various medical and scientific journals around the world in order to identify the safest, most effective natural ingredients that target the latent (dormant) HPV virus. Gene-Eden-VIR has been on the market for over three years and no side effects were reported by users during that entire time. Each capsule contains a patented formula of five all natural ingredients including selenium, camellia sinesis extract, quercetin, cinnamomum extract, and licorice extract. In addition, each bottle is GMP Certified. Gene-Eden-VIR is sold online through the Gene-Eden website. Each bottle of Gene-Eden-VIR (a one month’s supply) costs $37.99. Women should not be concerned about invasions of privacy. Ordering Gene-Eden-VIR is completely secure and confidential. Military healthcare providers and service women interested in learning more about Gene-Eden-VIR, the only product on the market today that helps the body maintain low numbers of the latent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and that is scientifically backed by published material should visit References: 1: High-risk behavior and sexually transmitted infections among U.S. active duty servicewomen and veterans ( 2: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) ( 3: STD Facts ( 4: The antiviral effect of Gene-Eden (http://www.gene- ### polyDNA is a biotechnology company that develops dietary supplements using the unique scientific method developed by Dr. Hanan Polansky, which is based on Computer Intuition. In addition to his unique scientific method, Dr. Polansky published the highly acclaimed scientific discovery, called Microcompetition with Foreign DNA. The discovery explains how foreign DNA fragments, and specifically, DNA of latent viruses, cause most major diseases. polyDNA developed Gene-Eden-VIR ( End