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Follow on Google News | Buddhist Preacher Uses Crowdfunding to Support Teaching DharmaA Dharma Practitioner on a Mission: Spreading Secret Buddhist Teachings
By: Maha Meditation Preacher Elise said: “Since the Dharma has such a powerful effect on every level of the human body, mind and spirit, I want to be a bridge between the East and West and carry the sacred Dharma forward into the world, sharing the benefits of Holy Master’s Dharma with everyone who wants to improve their life and find a way to make a difference.” “We are excited to launch this campaign so we can share the profound benefits of meditation and Guang Huan Mi Zong Health through free public classes. This campaign can cover the cost of our events, including the Expo in NYC, so we can help people find the deep joy of being alive.” Joshua, one of the Maha Meditation team members said. In return, some wonderful gifts are offered to the contributors, including Holy Water, bead bracelet, incense burner and so on. The funding missions include: 1. Holding free Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma 3 day classes to teach meditation techniques and the Seven-word Mantra for people who want to improve their holistic health and seek spiritual enlightenment. The Dharma is the foundation to all other practices that can be pursued further through learning from Holy Master. These include the advanced levels of Mudra and Mantra and other higher level practices such as the Chakra Meditation, Inner Fire Practice, etc. 2. Attending the “NEWLIFE Expo” in NYC in March 21-23, 2014. With renting a booth in one of the largest holistic health exhibitions in the nation, more awareness of this unique practice can be brought to people with compassionate energy, to help them positively transform their lives. 3. Contacting scientists and researchers for exploring the amazing changes that people can experience through the meditation practice of Guang Huan Mi Zong Dharma, with the hope of translating the beauty and power of the Dharma into modern scientific language. Preacher Elise said, "We are grateful for all contribution. Every contribution, large or small, can make a difference. So we hope more people can support us and make this happen." End
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