“Space” -- The topic for Future Problem Solving Program’s 2014 International Conference

MELBOURNE, Fla. - March 3, 2014 - PRLog -- Students from around the globe will embark on the study of “Space” as they prepare to participate at Future Problem Solving Program’s International Conference, hosted at Iowa State University in Ames, June 12-15.  These students have earned a coveted invitation to the conference by displaying expertise in the creative problem solving process and futuristic thinking through competitions on various other topics throughout the school year in their affiliate program.

Competitors arrive equipped to tackle potential problems of “Space” 20-30 years into the future.  These teams and individuals must research all aspects of the topic to be prepared for competitive events where a futuristic scene relating to the topic of “Space” will be analyzed so that an Action Plan or team Scenario will focus on future endeavors in the last frontier. Various governmental policies and the vast cultural, economic, and scientific attitudes towards space and the future related to it will be considered by problem solvers.

SPACE – IC 2014 Topic Descriptor:

Humans are driven to challenge the boundaries of society’s scientific and technical limits by exploring the unknown. For centuries this drive has inspired space exploration, resulting in new industries, collaborative relationships between nations, and expanded technology. Today many view space exploration as extravagant spending.  Others believe governments and private industry should invest more on space, knowing that the scientific research could one day yield better medicines and technologies for mankind. In the next fifty years, will only commercial satellites and military missiles fly above Earth’s atmosphere or will human curiosity push exploration even deeper into space?  Should we allow space exploration to be commercial and capitalistic ventures?  Is settlement on foreign planets and moons a thing of science fiction or a realistic possibility for the future?

About Future Problem Solving Program International (FPSPI)

Future Problem Solving Program International, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1974, has grown into an international academic program challenging students to think both creatively and futuristically. Since its inception, the program has grown to include students from 42 U. S. states and 16 countries.  It is difficult to say how many hundreds of thousands of students participate each year as the program reaches students who may be involved non-competitively in classrooms or after school programs using the materials to enhance curriculum through critical and creative thinking.

Future Problem Solving Program International may be contacted at their website www.fpspi.org or on Facebook.

Marianne Solomon
321 768 0074
Future Problem Solving Program International, Inc. PRs
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