TV Show Host Will Work For Minimum Wage So 14 Companies Can Boost Profits Now!

Through The 1st Alive with Clive Quest for the Best Song Contest, Clive Swersky, TV Show Host and Producer of Alive with Clive, will work for 14 companies for 14 weeks for minimum wage so that they can boost profits exponentially now!
EASTCHESTER, N.Y. - March 11, 2014 - PRLog -- The White House recently announced President Barack Obama’s support for a Senate bill that would increase the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Whether or not a higher minimum wage is good for the economy continues to be the subject of debate, with proponents saying it will reduce income inequality, and opponents saying it will put companies out of business, reduce employment, cause prices of goods and services to rise, and thus cause more income inequality.  Regardless of the outcome of the debate, though, Clive Swersky, Host and Producer of Alive with CliveThe TV Show Where Today’s Top Singer-Songwriters Thrive! – at – has announced that he will work 24/7 for minimum wage for 14 companies so that they can boost profits exponentially now and minimize the impact of an increase in the minimum wage if it in fact becomes a reality.

It is possible for Clive, and only Clive, to make this generous offer, since he has created The 1st Alive with Clive Quest for the Best Song Contest that has been designed to capture the fascination of the nation, as well as other countries around the world, and – for their investment – the 14 companies that are the sponsors of the Contest stand to gain massive additional exposure 24/7 for more than 14 weeks.  Furthermore, based on the minimal investment required to be a sponsor, the amount Clive will receive from each sponsor will be less than the minimum wage calculated on an hourly basis, and the good news for the 14 companies is that they won’t have to pay any health insurance and employment taxes for Clive either.

“In The free E-Course I have made available online about The Secret Synergistic Alive with Clive Sponsorship Opportunity – How To Exponentially Boost The ROI Of Your Company’s Sponsorship Dollars, And Gain Massive Additional Exposure For Your Company’s Brand, For Literally Pennies On The Dollar – Starting Right Now!” I explain the vast array of benefits that are in store for the ten cash and four in-kind sponsors that act now to become sponsors of The 1st Alive with Clive Quest for the Best Song Contest,” says Clive, “and while I am willing to work for minimum wage as a result of the sponsorship investment structure, I’m willing to do so for only the 14 companies that become the sponsors of the Contest soon.”

Over 115 of today's top singer-songwriters who’ve been featured on Alive with Clive since August 22, 2011, are eligible to receive enough votes in Phase One of the Contest to be in the Top 14 for Phase Two, which is scheduled to begin on April 17, 2014.

In the Contest, one entrant who watches no more than one show will win 14 prizes worth over $300 each from the sponsors, and of the entrants who watch all 14 shows, one will win a car and another a 6-night/7-day stay at a resort with return flights included.  In addition, the singer-songwriter with the Best Song will win $6,000 in cash and $6,000 in music equipment and/or music-related services.  Plus, charities that encourage their supporters to enter the Contest will receive $10 per entry from Alive with Clive, up to the first 1,000 entries generated, and possibly additional contributions from sponsors too.

More than 485 clips from Alive with Clive are available for viewing on The Alive with Clive TV Channel on YouTube and they have been seen over 100,000 times.

Here is a clip from The Alive with Clive TV Channel on YouTube of singer-songwriter, Robert Rossi, who reminds music fans of Bob Dylan and currently has the most votes in Phase One of the Contest, singing “Spring Song.”


A Sponsor Proposal and Sponsor Application, together with the above-mentioned Secret Synergistic Alive with Clive Sponsorship E-Course, in which Clive also reveals key profit-boosting marketing strategies he has learned from several of the world’s most accomplished marketing experts, are available at

Clive Swersky
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