Marshall Barnes Flexes His Innovation Muscle: Denies "Multiple Leading Companies" Mood Altering Tech

R&D engineer Marshall Barnes has responded to a request for help by "multiple leading companies" through the open innovation group, NIneSigma with a "No" in their quest to acquire and market "mood enhancing technology". He'll compete instead...
Marshall Barnes at the OSU Technology Commercialization Center (copyright 2013)
Marshall Barnes at the OSU Technology Commercialization Center (copyright 2013)
YELLOW SPRINGS, Ohio - April 16, 2014 - PRLog -- Internationally noted research and development engineer Marshall Barnes has rejected participation in a NineSigma released request from "multiple leading companies", to contribute technology or ideas that will lead to "mood enhancing technology". The ironic thing is that Marshall has an extensive background in that area and could probably help the unnamed companies in many ways, and that is exactly why he's not going to. In an email sent in reply to NineSigma program manager, M. Murakami, Marshall stated in part that, "The ironic thing is that it would appear that I know far more about the research area than these companies do and in fact have technology that would match what they're looking for. It's ironic, because I have no intention of selling it or helping any other firm develop anything similar, as it is one of the center pieces for projects that my own company is developing. However, the fact that one or more firms, have come to NineSigma, in an attempt to do something like this, is solid proof that my own research is not only on the cutting edge but will be in demand as it is eventually brought to the market."

Before Marshall, who is one of NineSigma's innovation contributors, as well as a member of their NineSights innovation community (see ) became involved with advanced concept technology connected to aerospace and time travel, he was an expert in consciousness research. In fact, it began as a hobby when he was a child, experimenting with dizziness, centrifugal force and his backyard swing set. Later, as a tween, it was analyzing the effects of certain kinds of music. Finally, as an adult, it became the study of drug-free altered states with and without the assistance of various technologies, culminating in 1991 with his creation of the world's first and still only, psychoactive rock video album, Seeing the Breykiot (see ).

Since then he has gone even deeper with his technological research into the human mind and its stimulation with technology, researching and developing tech applicable to making such formerly sci-fi concepts as those featured in the movies, Total Recall, Brainstorm and Strange Days. In 2006 he invented "technocogninetics", the science of how objects and devices effect human consciousness without any requirement for feedback, as cognitive technology does, at the suggestion of Dr. Itiel Dror of the UK. In 2012, he was featured in an article in the Pasadena Star News (see ) when he appeared there to present research at the Mars Society Conference in his presentation, Technocogninetic Solutions To Psychological Challenges To Voyages To Mars II.That article mentions Seeing the Breykiot as well.

"I find it easily amusing and satisfying at the same time," Marshall says. It's amusing because allegedly there are these companies trying to figure out this complex mood alteration technology and from their description I could have it for them inside of a month but I'm not going to sell my knowledge in that area. It's worth too much. I have my own company with plans to exploit that knowledge across a wide variety of platforms and for a number of purposes. It's satisfying, however, because on one hand, it validates my thinking on the coming importance of these kinds of technologies but at the same time I get to compete with whoever these "multiple leading companies" are and in yet another field - prove that I am a force to be reckoned with".

Marshall has not only been contemplating a re-release of Seeing the Breykiot but a number of products in the experiential consciousness reality spectrum.

"The timing for this request through NineSigma is really amazing because I've been in meetings about starting something in these areas but on a much bigger scale and across a variety of platforms in a way that heretofore is totally unprecedented. This NineSigma request (see ) is just what I need to sell the concept to investors. It's pretty simple - the suits may think some of my ideas are far out, but the fact that there are 'leading'" companies out there looking for help for some kind of first project in this field, is proof that I'm not that far out, conceptually anymore. However, I am over twenty years ahead of the competition, which makes me the bankable bet."

Marshall will be making a major announcement about this development, some time in early May. NineSigma (see ) is a leading open source innovation company with American offices in Cleveland, Ohio and foreign ones in Tokyo, Japan, Leuven, Belgium, Melbourne , Australia, and Seoul, South Korea.

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Tags:Ninesigma, Marshall Barnes, Innovation, Seeing The Breykiot, Mind
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