Optimised Mobile Sites are Like Driving a Bus in Formula One

Dedicated Mobile sites like F1 Cars are precise machines with everything there for a purpose, features that at the click of a button will supply what consumers want to see at lightning speed rather than Bus like pace and Optimised Site scroll
By: Camel and Straw
April 16, 2014 - PRLog -- It appears that some quarters love to praise Optimised Mobile Sites and throw rocks at dedicated Mobile sites. To me? Optimised Sites are like a Bus in a Formula One Race. Yep you could get around the track but you will be passed by Ferraris and McLaren’s, the Red Bull will laugh and the fans will walk away.

Yep F1 cars are faster, more advanced and keep the Viewers and fans on the edge of their seats wanting more, and that’s exactly what a dedicated Mobile site performs compared to the stop at all stations Optimised site or as I refer to them , “The Bus”

Like Formula One, technology, Competition and consumer needs change at a rapid rate so you need to be ahead of the pack with new features being added on a regular basis a world that dedicated mobile sites thrive in, whereas the bus? You just change the advertising occasionally and expect to pick up the same passengers each day.

So am I totally against Optimised sites? NO, I love the way you can make content Optimised but in reality nobody reads that much of it but at least you can see it.

Dedicated Mobile sites like Formula One Cars are precise machines with everything there for a purpose, features that at the click of a button will supply what consumers want to see at lightning speed rather than Bus like pace and Optimised Site scrolling down and down.

Yes the critics will come up with excuses like, “You have to redirect” the dedicated site, or you will have to make changes to, “Two” sites. Well if I need to do those small things to keep winning the business Race? I don’t class them as a chore I class them as Joy.

What is my feelings about the critics? I think it’s a last ditch effort to protect their real estate, an avoidance as long as possible to change, a time to drag the last drop of water form the Desktop Well before its dry.

Well folks? If that’s the stuff you web developer is telling you, or the emails you get each day from Companies trying to market to you, or the advice your getting from experts?

I think it’s time to get off the Bus and stop getting passed by Ferrari’s

Enjoy the day and remember no Second Chance on a First Impression, Get Mobile

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Camel and Straw Media
Source:Camel and Straw
Email:***@camelandstrawmedia.com Email Verified
Tags:Mobile Websites, Optimised Websites
Industry:Internet, Marketing
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