"Man Down" Community Conference Date to Stay May 24, 2014Due to issues of prior commitments amongst attendees as well as staff, the hosts of the "Man Down Community Conference" are informing the public that the event will not be moved to this coming Saturday, May 17, 2014. Instead, the original date for the conference, May 24, 2014, will be upheld. Planners, once again, heartily apologize for any inconvenience the date changes have caused.
http://www.saveamericagathering.com Planners of the upcoming "Man Down Community Conference" are informing all interested persons that the conference will go ahead on the original date, May 24, 2014, rather than the May 17, 2014 date change, that was recently published. The conference will still occur from 8:30 am to 12 noon, at Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship Church, at 2652 Church Lane, in San Pablo, California, 94806-3267. Said spokesperson, Robert Berry, who is also the CEO of both "One Church // One Voice" and "Save America Gathering;" and, the servant leader of "555 Days of Prayer to Save America:" "We apologize for any confusion or schedule conflicts this misinformation has caused. We remain committed to our original date for the event, May 24, 2014. We, of course, do not want this scheduling information to keep men from attending and discussing the vital, 21st-century issues we will be dealing with on May 24th. Join us... "Let's talk!"" The "Man Down Community Conference" is the first of a planned series events focused on men's restoration. By examining societal issues, such as male violence; sex and pornography addiction; male substance abuse and alcoholism; high male incarceration rates; men's lack of family responsibility and resultant broken homes; as well as the current and global social focus on elevating the status of women; and the impact of the associated policies on men, young and old, the event's planners intend to demonstrate that men are nearing crisis status in the United States of America, and elsewhere, if not already in crisis status. They also plan to introduce Bible-based principles for restoring manhood as solutions to mens's issues, like the principles stated in Eric Mason's "Manhood Restored - How The Gospel Makes Men Whole." Planners also hope that the idea of "Man Down Community Conferences" For additional information regarding Rock Harbor Christian Fellowship, or, the May 24, 2014 "Man Down Community Conference," End