Why Invest In Yourself - Grow Yourself to Grow Your Business

Learn why it is vital for you to invest in yourself in order for you to grow your business. Discover strategies the gurus are using to grow their business.
May 30, 2014 - PRLog -- Are you having a hard time succeeding in your online or offline business?

If you are, then you are not alone.  Statistics show most business (online and offline) fail after a year of operation.

Why is this?

There are several reasons why online businesses fail and for more information on that answer click here (http://www.themogulmindset.com/two_reasons_why_network_markters_fail/).

In addition to the reasons people fail, a vital part of sustained success is personal development and growing yourself.  You must invest in yourself to succeed in any business.

Starting a business and gaining mild success can be done without personal development, but growing and sustaining that same business is difficult without investing in your skillset and mindset.

Every business industry changes over time and to stay relevant in your particular industry you must grow and adapt to that change.  That has to deal with investing in yourself and your future.

The top athletes, professionals and CEO’s all take time to develop their skillset and mindset so they can maintain their dominance in their chosen field.  Watch the video below to get my perspective on this idea.


I hope you can take a little something from that video and understand that just joining a great business model is not enough to assure you long-term success.

To succeed in any business you must continually grow yourself and that will in turn grow your business.

So you may ask, how can I invest in myself?
One simple way is to read more books.  The average person reads 2-3 books a year, while the average CEO reads 2-3 books a month.

Now think about how many books you read in the last year.

If you are like most people than 2-3 books a year may be high.  If you have read more than 2-3 books a year, what type of books were they.

If you are trying to grow your business then you need to spend time reading books that will help you increase your bottom line and grow your mindset.

Some books you can look into reading are:

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
The 4-hour work week by Timothy Ferriss
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

These are just a few of the books I would recommend you read to increase your mindset and entrepreneurial thinking.

The next course of action you should be taking to invest in yourself is listening to audio or videos from top money making gurus.

If you want to be where they are you need to learn from them and model after their success.

Below are several articles I have that give you a small taste of the type of audio you should be listening to, to enhance your mindset.

Personal and Professional Development
Personal Development Skills
Personal Development Training
Personal Growth and Development
Self Empowerment

For additional articles on mindset training and for additional resources, refer to the build your business tab on The Mogul Mindset website for more information.

In addition to the articles there is a wealth of online audio mindset training that you can acquire here (http://www.empowernetwork.com/braintrick?id=emanilegacypr...).

If you have learned nothing else from this article, remember that you must keep up with your changing industry and investing in yourself is a part of that ongoing education you will need to stay relevant in your business.

I’ve had an offline and online business for several years now and I can tell you investing in yourself is critical if you want to have a sustainable growing business.  To learn more about the online business I am involved with click here (www.joinjasonnow.com).

If you are already involved with an online business and need 10-25 targeted leads go here (www.vincereed.com/Mogulmindset/main)

The Mogul Mindset

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