MiLLENNiAL Magazine Launches Image-centric Lifestyle Website Highlighting The Best Of The Generation

MiLLENNiAL Magazine dispels Time Magazine's argument that Millennials are "lazy, entitled narcissists living with their parents" by featuring the best of the generation within the pages of its new sleek design!
BURBANK, Calif. - June 18, 2014 - PRLog -- The word Millennials often conjures images of overly indulged American youth hooked on the latest digital gadgets and cultural fads. But in fact, the word is less of a stereotype and more of a lifestyle that can be applied to just about anyone who thrives in the digital world.

So what exactly is a Millennial? According to Millennial Magazine's 25 year old Editor-in-Chief, Britt Hysen, a Millennial is someone born between 1975 and 1995, but the "Millennial lifestyle" she says can be defined as anyone who is "technologically savvy, environmentally friendly, health conscious, socially accepting, and globally aware." Pretty much anyone over the age of 18 who relies on the Internet and cares about the future of the planet can rightfully claim the lifestyle.

In response to Time's negative assertions, Hysen says, "The article is disconnected from the truth and trying to create a barrier between the generations. Most Millennials are doing incredible things, and 60% consider themselves entrepreneurs." Regarding those living with their parents, she adds, "The bad economy is greatly responsible for that. And starting a business is much more challenging than finding a job. It requires a lot of drive, ambition, and passion - three characteristics that define the generation more accurately."

With vibrant, oversized images shot by young, talented photographers and editorial content ranging from interviews with Millennial celebrities, entrepreneurs, and activists, unique individual exposes, relevant world news reports, and articles that highlight culture, the new design of MiLLENNiAL is raising the bar for online publications. Hysen describes the logic behind the new look, "Our redesign is a spin on the classic magazine layout. As we positioned ourselves to be the LIFE Magazine of this era, we wanted to retain a familiarity but with a fresh approach." She elaborates on the differences, "Traditional magazine covers are vertical, ours is horizontal to represent the digital paradigm. And we offer a clean, streamlined layout displaying only our latest content from each category compared to sites that overload their homepage with thumbnails and feeds."

Acting as the self-appointed "curator of millennial life" MiLLENNiAL publishes iconic photography highlighting news and culture in the digital era. Full screen images reflecting the times are accompanied by short, fact based captions providing visually impacting and insightful content. "Images are sexy!" Hysen asserts. "One picture can tell the whole story." And who would know better than the generation responsible for the success of Facebook, Instagram and SnapChat?

Published weekly, MiLLENNiAL is out to set the record straight by featuring Millennials "who are shaping the world we experience." The debut edition features recording artists Jaded Incorporated, a fresh collaboration between singer Mayer Hawthorne and beat producer, 14KT- Mayer's best friend from high school. The pair discuss their new music venture and the plight of their hometown, Detroit, Michigan. Subsequent June issues feature the rise of the Lucent Dossier Experience, an American Cirque du Soleil competitor launching their first national tour, the Goldston twins from Athletic Propulsion Labs responsible for inventing the first basketball shoe to make a person jump higher, and the "shark whisperer", Ocean Ramsey, a 27-year-old female marine biologist famous for swimming with sharks.

Other news articles of particular interest to the "under 40" crowd include the Gentrification of San Francisco, Government Open Data and Civic Hackers, and The Future of Space Exploration; and cultural stories such as Shopping at Farmer's Markets, A Millennial's Guide to Traveling Abroad, and International Hangover Cures.

What's most unique to MiLLENNiAL, however, is the Profile section. "We showcase "a-day-in-the-life" of everyday Millennials surviving these complicated times," Hysen says, "and the people we select usually have unique lifestyles or uncommon professions." Two Millennials are featured each week in a diptic-style photographic layout accompanied by a short bio and links to their social media sites. "It's our way of contradicting the stereotypes that Time and other media outlets have applied to us," Hysen says, "while honoring average individuals with inspirational stories."

To read MiLLENNiAL Magazine go to:

To request an interview with Britt Hysen please email:

For speaking engagements contact Sylvia at HysenPR: (818) 261-7702

About Britt Hysen, Editor in Chief
Britt is a passionate journalist, Millennial expert, and motivational speaker. She co-founded and launched MiLLENNiAL Magazine in November of 2013 to counter the negative stereotype associated with her generation. A former Mad Men actress and Penn State business graduate, Hysen is a native Angeleno and a co-organzier of Code for LA. She is determined to help create a thriving technology and innovation economy in Los Angeles, and has co-founded Apps 4 LA, a privately funded app accelerator program that will unite LA's leading app developers, city officials, and established industry experts to create solution-based apps for the county at large.

Millennial Magazine

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